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With a jerk, my eyes shot open and I rose up to sitting position. The last thing I remembered was running away from a scary wolf. 'It was just a dream.' I told myself and took some deep breaths, my head spinning due to the dull yet throbbing pain.

But when I inspected my surrounding, my heart stopped beating for a moment. I was not in that room in Bella's house, I was somewhere else, somewhere unfamiliar.

The room around me was bigger than most of the rooms I have been. I was sitting on a large bed, which could accommodate five more women of my built. A large LCD was facing the bed, a sofa set encircling a wooden table at my left and two door to my right.

My eyes were fixated on the wall on my side when a voice suddenly called, "Did you sleep well?" I jumped up in my seat and it took me a second to calm my racing heartbeat. But when I looked towards the source of the voice, the fright returned.

It was Atticus West, standing in the doorframe in his full towering glory. "Sapphire, is it?" he asked. His tall built covering the whole doorframe and his hands were resting inside his pocket. I nodded, gulping the ball of nerves down my throat.

He was wearing a black shirt that contrasted well with his fair skin. His sharp jaw and high cheekbones would give any model a run for his money. His stare was so penetrating that I felt a shiver all the way down to my spine.

"Wh... Wh... Where am I?" I internally scolded myself for showing him how much I was afraid of him.

"West mansion." he said, a bone-chilling crooked smile on his mysterious face. He walked towards me, still burying his hands in his pocket, crouching slightly so we were almost on eye level.

"Don't you remember those wolves? They would have ripped you apart." he said with a smirk on his face, a smirk that made me scoot back in fear. "I am waiting for a thanks, by the way."

The skin around his eyes crinkled. His eyes were the strangest shade of blue I have every seen. If I didn't know those eyes any better, I would have lost myself in their depth.

"Thank you." I managed to say, the lump in my throat growing bigger.

"The pleasure is all mine." he said and straightened up, his eyes assessed me from head to toe. There was something about his face that looked familiar; not familiar as if I had seen it in my dreams but familiar in a more real sense, like a memory, buried in the deepest, darkest corners of my mind.

"What were you doing in the jungle alone?" he asked.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I rubbed them to provide myself some heat. "I... I... My head hurts." I faked being in pain to avoid his inquisitive stare. I couldn't tell him that I was here to meet him. Could I?

"This jungle isn't safe for girls," he said with a smile on his mouth. He cocked his head to a side to add the last part, "Particularly for a special one like you."

My mouth opened in confusion but before I could ask, he retreated backwards. "I'll ask someone to bring you fresh clothes and breakfast."

I couldn't afford to panic right now, despite the constant turbulence in my stomach. I came here for answers and I'll get them, no matter how terrifying Aaticus West is.

Sitting there, I waited for the clothes and when a maid finally came with one, she placed them on the bed and put the bowl filled with fruits in front of me. She had brown hair pulled back in a tight bun, her wrinkles giving a hint of her age.

"I am not hungry." I said but the woman didn't look at me. Instead, she kept her eyes zoomed on the floor.

"Hello?" I called again but she didn't move.

"I am not supposed to talk." she said in a robotic voice, no expressions on her face which was quite weird to be honest. "Mr. West said I can't leave until you have finished the bowl."

"I am not hungry." I stated but she didn't budge. I kept gaping at her so that I could get a reaction out of her but none. At last, I gave up and picked up the fruit bowl. Each bite felt like a shard due to my anxiety but I finished it nevertheless. The maid left with the bowl as soon as I put it down, her eyes never leaving the floor.


After changing into the tights and button down shirt, I made my way out of that room. A wide corridor greeted me, my sandals making noise on the expensive marble beneath my feet. At the end of the corridor, there was another turn that led me into a large hall.

Everything about this place reeked of money and luxury. Even this hall slash living area looked like straight out a architecture magazine. I wonder how they lived in such a huge mansion in the midst of a stranded jungle.

"What are you doing down here?" A voice startled me and my heart suddenly summersaulted inside my chest. I turned around to find Atticus' face looming over mine and his eyes searching mine for answer.

"I need my bag. It was with me when I got unconscious." I said, my voice sounding unmistakenly terrified, even to my own ears.

"I don't remember picking up any bag." he said blankly and I couldn't figure out if he was lying or not.

"Oh." I said. "Can you lend me your phone? I need to call a friend of mine." I requested, balling my fists in nervousness at my sides. The blue in his eyes made me skittish, causing sweat to appear on my forehead.

"No." he stated as his sharp, square jaw glistened under the bright light.


"There is no signal here." he explained, still staring at me with inexplicable expressions.

"Then how do you all contact with others?" I asked, my voice dripping with confusion.

"We don't." he answered and the vein in my head throbbed with pain. The loss of touch from others was making me more scared than I already was.

"How will I go back?" I asked, afraid of hearing his response.

The corner of his lip lifted a little as he leaned downwards, his breath tickling my forehead. "You won't." he said and my stomach clenched in the worst way possible. "Until you're perfectly alright. We don't want you getting dizzy on the road again, do we?"

My mouth opened to say something but no words came out. I felt like I was in one of those thriller movies stuck in between a bunch of serial killers, as their next victim. All the mystery documentaries I've seen came rushing to my mind.

"If you don't mind, I've some important business to attend." He said and without waiting for my response, turned away.

Somewhere behind him, I could see the faint shadow of a woman staring at us. She was the same who came with the West brothers on Aunt Samantha's funeral and there was the same layer of creepiness plastered on her face.


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