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*a couple weeks later*

Yasmine walked out the school house as she walked to her mom and dad black Jeep Wrangler. They were about to go to Yasmines doctors appointment and Yasmine was scared. She knew she was pregnant, her period was late.

Only reason why she was scared was because she didn't want to disappoint her dad. She was his baby, and it was like she always made him proud so she was scared to let him down.

She got inside the backseat. "Hey mi hija, how are you feeling? "Maria asked

"I feel a little better"

"Daughter" Jaylin spoke

"Father" Yasmine said smiling looking at him making him break his character and smile back.

"You want some food ?" Jaylin asked her

"Mmh hm yes please" She said craving some Popeyes.

"After the appointment we can get food" Jaylin responded, she silently nodded her head.

Jaylin drove towards the doctors office and Yassy put her AirPods in and was listening to "Special" by SZA.

Yasmine sat on the bed swinging her feet, as her mom sat in the chair on her phone playing candy crush. They were waiting on the pregnancy test results.

"Okay so Yasmine you are pregnant, you are actually about 6 weeks" Nurse Hellen told her walking into the room.

"Oouu gyat damnit boy" Maria mumbled

Yasmine stayed quiet as she bit her lip as tears swelled up in her eyes.

"You can still get an abortion if that's an option" Hellen told her

"No im keeping it" Yasmine assured her

"So since you're keeping it, we'd an get you ultrasound pictures, so imma need you to lay back and lift up your shirt" Hellen told her and Yasmine did exactly that

"This might be a little cold" Hellen warned Yasmine as she put the gel like substance on her stomach but Yassy didn't flinch or move at all.

"Can we hear the heart beat ?" Maria asked getting a little excited

" you won't be able to hear the heart beat unless we go up in her vagina." Nurse Hellen told them and Yasmine shook her head no.

"So that little thing right there, is your baby is the size as one sweet pea" Hellen told her as she pointed at the screen, something about that made Yasmine smile. Hellen started printing off the ultrasound pictures.

Yasmine was kind of excited about having a baby, she thought that all babies were blessings even when they came unexpectedly.

"Awwwee look at the little wittle babyyyy" Maria said pouting making yasmine laugh.

Hellen walked away and grabbed some paper towels so Yasmine could wipe her tummy. "Here you go" Hellen said handing the paper towels to her

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