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𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖡𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝖸𝗈𝗎


Nicolle woke up and went to get ready for work. She would have loved to stay home but for today it was out of the question as she had important work that had to be done during the day. In other words, there was a lot to finish by the end of the week to come.

She did her usual routine in the bathroom, changing into the formal clothing that she wore every workday before following the usual scent downstairs to be greeted by the breakfast made by Fernando. As she made her way down she saw both her brothers by the table with plates in front of them. Normally Nicolle would sit to the side of Pedri but this time she took her plate and sat at the other end of the table ignoring him.

Fernando approached the table as well after just waiting for his cup of coffee to finish, but this time he sat keeping a chair open between him and his brother, Pedri watched as both his siblings moved away from him, the pain he felt as he watched them start to engage in conversation, ignoring his presence.

Ignoring his pain

"Nic, how will you get to work?" Fer asked which did gain the attention of her slightly older brother from across the table as he turned to look at her.

"I do have my own car, which I haven't used in a while, I'll just take that but the gas might not be full, if not an Uber" she spoke ignoring the sowerful gaze from her brother.

"You don't want me to drop you Nic?" Pedri spoke, rather softly but loud enough for both his siblings to hear him. This managed to pull her sister's head to look at him, but her eyes presented nothing more than hatred.

She showed no shine or happiness, she looked different

She looked like a different person

"I am good, thanks" she shot back, finishing her last bite on her plate and beginning to stand up and place the plate in the sink. Her voice was stern, she might have snapped back but she spoke softly.

"Nicolle, I can take you, it just means that we have to leave a bit earlier?" Fernando broke in after feeling the tension in the atmosphere, which did put a smile on his sister's face. Sure she could take her car but it was nearly if not almost out of gas, so she needed to find time this coming weekend to fuel in some gas so she could start taking her own car to work.

"That would be good, thank you Fer" she responded, grabbing her belongings and heading for the door with Fernando trailing behind her, they left their other sibling alone on the table not realizing the pain he felt, the pain building up inside of him.

The boy wanted to cry, never had he been rejected by his own siblings, never had he been ignored, never had he felt so stupid and hurt and he could say this would be the first day that she chose to drive with Fernando to work. They would normally always go to work together

Listening and fighting over songs to play

Talking about the news in and out of the country

Hyping each other up for upcoming games

He wanted to call in, to stay home and just sulk but Xavi said otherwise. Sure he was part of the reason that this happened but it didn't mean that he wanted to be given the cold shoulder by both siblings, he wanted to try to talk it out, he still hasn't had the chance to explain, even his parents would be making a visit tonight to talk about the situation as Nicolle did give them a call explaining everything that happened, he passed by her door later last night wanting to grab something to eat and he could hear the faint voices of their parents on speaker.

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