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𝖠 𝖭𝖾𝗐 𝖡𝖾𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀


Today marks the couple's two months of dating, well two months since they started dating when they were sat at the park, they have certainly enjoyed each other's company, they have been on multiple dates since their time together and her brothers could see the pure happiness in her eyes but Pablo seemed to see much more. If he was honest he had enjoyed taking it slow and enjoying Nicolle's company every second he was with her and without the stress of the dare in the back of his mind that was for sure. The smile on her face would only brighten his day more.

But one question did linger back into his mind again, rather curious of the answer. If it weren't for the dare, would have ever seen Nicolle or thought of Nicolle differently, would he have fallen in love without participating in such a child's game? Despite whatever the answer may be to such a question, he is happy to be here with her.

Marking the two months since they began their new chapter, he had proposed a date, late in the evening because he needed the setting of the stars for what he had planned, so he called for Nicolle to join him on the hill just out the city overviewing the buildings. He said that he would make his way to hers at nine to take her. For Nicolle, she didn't suspect such a big surprise but rather something of such to celebrate their two months and if anything she was enjoying the time she shared with him, every second with him.

As of right now, she was sitting downstairs in the kitchen with her two eldest brothers, they decided to engage in some board games to pass the time of the day, her second eldest brother did start seeing someone two weeks ago.

Nicolle was more than overjoyed for him, he had been able to play on the team and during a game he spotted a girl in the stands and couldn't seem to peel his eyes away for her sight, her name was Melina and she was Spanish and Italian, but had moved to live in Barcelona just two years ago.

This was her first time attending a game upon always viewing from home on her TV screen, and for Pedri's luck she had been a fan of his for quite the longest time so it was to her surprise to see him wait for her outside the stadium to ask for her socials.

They seemed to be starting off well and Nicolle only hoped that it would last, Nicolle and Fernando were yet to meet the girl, they were only told stories from Pedri, but based on how Pedri described her, his siblings could tell he was in love. Nicolle was actually excited because the coming week, Melina did agree to meet her and Fernando. If anything the famous double dates could happen and plus she was looking to gain more friends in the city.

"HA, I win, again" Nicolle shouted looking up and smirking at her brothers, Fernando playfully rolled his eyes while Pedri slammed the cards on the table causing his siblings to laugh at his gesture. As they were getting ready for a new round, Pedri's phone started ringing and Melina's name popped up.

He looked at his siblings, excusing himself to answer the call, his sister watched with a smile as he made his way to the garden to speak with her, the smile evident on his face when her name appeared on his screen.

"How is it that my younger siblings are both dating someone and I am still single?" Fernando asked, which made the girl's head snap towards him and chuckle at his question.

"I am sure the right person will come along Fer" She sweetly smiled hearing her brother now chuckle in response, actually hoping that it wouldn't be long.

"Want to do another round because he's for sure going to be on the phone for a while" Fernando stated as his sister nodded her head in response, they both worked to reset the game and began a round amongst themselves, killing time before Pedri would make his way back in.

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now