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𝖢𝗋𝗈𝗌𝗌𝗋𝗈𝖺𝖽𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖤𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌


After the short but rather long feeling of the days off, all the players were back on the field training hard for some important games that were listed, they had some big games that were ones Bacrelona wouldn't dare to lose, they did want to start a day after they come back from Portugal but due to the many complications, they had to postpone.

It worked well however because Nicolle did get to have some time with her brothers which she really needed especially after having avoided one for the majority of the time, like she had said before she was happy to have him back again.

Yesterday Nicolle arrived back in her office just full of joy, she enjoyed her time out on the grass, playing around with a football along with Pablo, his jokes only made her laugh which she could see brought a smile to his face. Anytime she looked at him, she saw his chocolate brown eyes glistening especially in the first light of the moon that rose upon them just last night.

Everything faded away, she had no worrying thoughts, not even when she found herself back in her office taking the next hour to clean and prepare for the player's arrival today, the smile still plastered on her face as she hummed to the music ringing into her ears through her headphones.

Today was another day however, she did wake up with that worrying thought again but this time she managed to say that it was more to be worried about when Saturday came, which was after tomorrow but still she had a whole busy day ahead, so it was better to focus on this and then worrying about anything else.

It was useless to spoil her day with that on her mind she didn't need to make herself worry. Plus on Saturday if the talk does go well then she was willing to celebrate that she would be more than happy to try again, to start over basically. But with slow steps, regardless she wanted to try, there was no harm in it at all.

She was in her office now, having picked up some new work from Xavi which was sure to last her the whole day, she had to stay until the players were done regardless so she didn't mind.

Meanwhile, the boys were out, in the vast sun all grouped around Xavi and listening to the instructions that were being given upon what they had to do next for the following few hours before they would work on the next training routine, building on the intensity.

Pablo was present but not fully present, ever since the thought rushed through his mind last night he couldn't help but feel bad but also annoyed. Bad because he hated every second of how he treated Nicolle, horribly, during the course of the dare, it haunts him like crazy and he just wishes it never happened but is also rather annoyed that she didn't see that he wasn't faking it too lay stable grounds, he wanted to be with her.

Sure he lied that day to avoid any more complications but he needed to talk to her about it today, he had to ask why she still felt like this when he himself apologized multiple times and showed her that he wanted nothing but to be with her.

Regardless, at the end of training today he would make his way to her office and speak to her. Training was expected to go over time, just a few more hours but it would be more rigorous and full of intensity and he knew that Xavi requested she stay until all the players finished, so he didn't have to worry and as soon as training finished he would make his way straight to her.

His thoughts were interrupted by the loud clap of his coach, signaling for the players to head to what they needed to do, luckily Pablo knew which training group he fell under so all he had to do was copy what his group was doing in order to look like he knew what Xavi said.

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now