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I held Jade close to me, I could feel her sadness and regret and I started to feel connected to her.

She pulls away and I take her cold hands and hold them with mine. I look down at them and Jades sleeve had been pushed up slightly. I saw red lines that scared accosts her arm and disappeared into her sleeve.

I look up at her and made eye contact. She lifted her head up as well and had an apologetic look.

I held both her hands in one and used the other to move her sleeve back up.

Her eyes turned red and I felt her dispare. She was a broken, lonely girl who just wanted genuine love and I felt for her. I know that feeling a need I hate to see others in pain when they don't deserve it.

"It's okay, look at me. I'll help you. Let's stop pretending we're strangers. We're more alike then you think, Sugar. I understand your pain, I can get you through this".

I sad as I looked into her Linley eyes. I feel I sigh of relief exit her mouth and the starts to speak

"Thank you, Vessel" is all she manages to say before he hugged me tightly again. She was no longer a tough, independent person. She just wanted comfort.

I could feel a smile grow on my face knowing that she felt she could trust me.

She pulled away and stared at the horizon as the sun started to set

"I- I feel like I can tell you anything, so I'll tell you about Liam as well, may as well be honest" she say in a voice that sounded as if she was annoyed at having to remember those her hurt her.

I nod my head and look of in the same distance that she did. If I looked at her as s he spoke, I wouldn't concentrate on all that she said.

"Liam... he was someone fell in love with but he, he pretended to love me back. He would cheat and lie, he made me think of myself as nothing more then a a small part of his big life"

The memories were rushing through her head as she spoke

"I felt like I could trust him at first, but he betrayed me. I use to be very shy so I didn't confront him much. And when I did, he would yell at me and tell ne get back in line. One day I cracked it and while he was at work I packed my shit and left. He tried to call but I never answered and blocked him everywhere. I haven't heard a word from either of the dickheads since"

She let out a slight chuckle that was clearing from annoyance and anger.

"Hey, their just assholes, your worth so much and you mean so much to so many people. I mean... look at your brother, he doesn't want you to get hurt. He cares, and so do i " I felt as if we would help each other. Maybe she could make me feel what it's like to be happy again, and not feel a constant wave of sadness.

After about 20 mins of us talking, I eventually saw Jades eyes get heavy and her speech was declining. She was clearly tired. It was dark outside, the only light coming from that of the streetlights.

She yawned and I took that as a sign to stand up.

"Ready to go? You look tired, the boys will be getting worried" I said, of course they won't be worried, they know that I'll keep he safe. But she looked like she was about to pass out.

We got up and out my arm over her shoulder to support her and we walked back to the hotel.

When we got in no one was awake so we made sure to be as quiet as possible.

I walked Jade to her room and lay her down on her bed, putting the blankets over her delicate skin.

She was basically asleep as she spoke, "thank you, Love" said and rolled over.

I stare in awe at her beautiful before snapping myself back to reality and heading to my room.

I close her door and walk towards my room. Before I got there II stopped me.

"Hey, Where you going" he said in a stern voice

"My room" I said bluntly. What does he want.

"Well Vessel... can I have a word... please " he sounded nervouse now. It sounded seriously so we went to my room and I sat on ny bed as II sat on the chair.

"I love Jade she's my sister. I would do anything for her and she would do the same" he started off. I tilt my head in confusion. Why was he talking to me about this?

"She's been hurt and broken too many time before. And I don't want to see it happen again". As he spoke he look down at rhe ground while twidling his thumbs.

"I think I can trust you, Ty can I trust you?" His words made my confusion grow

"What do you mean Kane, you cab always trust me I've known you for years".

I laugh slightly annoyed when I responded.
."Yes but can I trust you to not break her again? And to keep her safe?" His words run gin my ear. I will always keep her safe if she wants me to. And she says Bestfriends sister I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"What do youd i break her?"

He took at me in the eyes. His mask was off so I could see his frustrated face staring at my soul.

"You like her, Vessel, bur I know what your like with girls. You can get controlling eith the ones you love. I'm okay if you want something with her as long as she feels the same and as long as she's safe and happy,"

I sat in shock. I don't like her.... do I? I mean he's cool and all but... oh god I think I do.

"And please, don't try anything. I might be small but I can still be strong. Just, don't hurt he please?" He said as he stood up.

I nodded my head and he walked out of the room

I sat in silence with only my thoughts for a moment.

Then I felt a presents join me.

I turn around and a dark figure. A man in a cloak that had a hood that covered his face with its shadow

"Hello, my little puppet. You seem to be wondering out of the story line I set" his taunting whisper man the hair on rhe bake of my neck stand up.

"You follow along to what I say or you pay the price. I'll allow you to follow this path. But sont go too deep for along as you wear that mask you mine and you follow my orders i control you, remeber" he's deep words stuck in my ears.

"Yes, Sleep, I understand and I promise to abide by this" I said tiredly as its one think that I have had to say many times before.

"Good" with that he faded with a black mist appearing where he left. After a while it faded too and I was left in complete silence again

I walk over to the 2 guitars that sit in the rack at the far end of my room.

There was a Jackson Soloist SLAT8 with 'Angel' calved of the side. I've had thsi guitst for many years, she done great things and I hope she holds on for a couple more years.

I guide my had beside it the acoustic. It was a Tanglewood TW45RVSE Sundance with 'Casey' calved in the side.

I picked up Casey and sat down in the my bed.

I started to playbthe acoustic version of the last part of The Summoning

I had to admit that I missed playing guitar. I wished I could play it more on stage. The only real time I do is when I'm making new songs.

I play for a while and sing softly to myself.

"Oh and my love"

"Did I mistake you for a sign from god?"

"Or are you really here to cut me off?"

"Oh maybe just to turn me on?"

The words circled in my mine as it drifted to think of Jade.

The way her eyes looked at when when I spoke and how she cuddled and found comfort in me when we were out of the beach

Shit, maybe i am falling for her

Sugar - Vessel / Sleep Token ffWhere stories live. Discover now