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A few weeks had gone by, me and Vessel were growing our connection and II seemed to leave us alone a bit

We were now in Scotland, I only had two weeks left of preforming before IV came back, this has been the most fun experience of my life, and I didn't want it to end

I was out on the balcony of the hotel, I felt the cool air Blow my hair as it came from the sea, I breathe deeply before turning to head back inside

As I turned around, I saw something in the corner of my eye, a dark, tall, shadowy figure

"What do you want" I ask, almost tonelese, sleep had started to appear more often, not only in my dreams but everywhere

Vessel said he usually does This when he's watching, inspecting everything you do, waiting for the time to talk to you, to ask a favour of you

"Someone seems a bit irritated?" He asked mokingly, the deep hush in his tone making me shiver slightly

"We'll, little one... you might be asking what i want of you" he said, I stand in my spot, unable to move, I was in the same frozen state as I was the first time Sleep came to me in the park

"I want you to serve me, show me what your capable of, and use it to fulfil your duties I have set for you" I was able to close my eyes, I shut them tightly.

Serve sleep? What like the Vessels did? I had heard a little bit of what happened mostly from my brother as he explained what he endured

There were four layers to the tests- first one was something in the waking world, for everyone it was different, but you would get sick, loose something or someone special to you , expireince excutiating pain or suffering, or have very bad luck for a while

The second one was something in that of a dream -Sleep would test your loyalty, and how easily you can be deceived. He would make senarios that felt real, with the one you cared about the most. Make them deceive and lie to you, and ask you to do things that go against sleep

The next one was testing your physical being, your worth in blood. The gruelling pain you would have to go through, in many different ways, a torture of such

The last one was a mental test. To see how you would control yourself

You would be locked into the forrest with nothing, no animals, no people, no life. Just you in the Forrest. You would stay here until you broke, giving into the madness of your own mind.

Then you would be worthy of serving Sleep.

"I'm not normally this kind to potential Vessels, but you are different, so I will give you a heads up I'll be taking over you dreams for a while now. You can't avoid me, I'll be here, for as long as I want" he stated his purpose, then faded into the black mist

I sighed and sat at my desk, I haven't slept right in a couple days- I only ever had nightmares during This time, they disturbed me and I never wanted to give into the darkness

I leaned my head on the desk, after while I felt relaxation creep on me and Sleep was near

The door of my room opened, and II came rushing in

"Jade! I need to talk to you " he seemed worried, I shot up from my chair and he closed the door

I sat in my bed and he passed back and forth in my room

"What is it, Kaine, what got you stressed out so much" I ask, he bites his fingertips slightly and stops, looking at me

He walks up to Me, and pulls me intka warm embrace. I felt confused at first, bur it quickly turned into worry and empathy.

Sugar - Vessel / Sleep Token ffWhere stories live. Discover now