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Walter recalled the recent events as they were traveling in the sub.

"And robo got the database."

"Or did he? Or did he? Or-"

"You're trying to get a reaction from me. Okay, Walter, what is it?"

"I snuck a tracker on him during the bird-nado."

"This is the..." Lance stared at the locator beacon. "We have been following his location?"


"Yes, you're a genius! I couldn't have done it without you."

"You made Walter happy..."

Walter was in joy from Lance's words. 

They hugged for a bit until unexpectedly an egg was laid.

"Bird egg."

"Walter, Winter...Whatever happens in this submarine, stays in this submarine." Lance said as he was staring at an egg.

"This is great, you're a girl pigeon."


"No wonder I couldn't figure out the problem, I used Lovey's DNA in your sample. Once I change one factor to the antidote, then I could make you human again."

It took awhile, but the antidote was completed.

"Well, here is the antidote to unbird you. Or you could stay as a pigeon if you want to."

"Not the moment."


Lance slowly went to drink a sip of the antidote.

A few moments later, Lance black out.

"Since the bird didn't fused with a suit, I have clothes in case he ends up naked." Winter said holding up Lance's suit.

Lance did in fact woke up human.

He was so happy to gain his old self back after being a pigeon during the time being.

Eventually, they made it to shore.

"What do you need? I have many weapons that could help."

"Stay here."


"So much for needing help."

"Look, I want to do my own thing and not have one of your weird weapons involved."



"I can't lose another good person here."

"We'll be careful."

"My answer is a no."

"But Lance-" 

Lance shot a tranquilizer at the twins.

"Sorry, I fly solo." Lance said before running off as the submarine door closes.

"I don't feel okay with this."

After some time after the tranquilizer was over the group, excluding Lance, tried to return to the island.

Only problem is.....

The submarine was targeted to be destroyed by assassin bots in the water.

In quick thinking, the inflatable hug was used to protect every human and bird in the submarine.

Winter waved at Walter from his protection bubble with Crazy Eyes and Jeff.

During the time of being in the shield protector, Walter contacted Marcy of a location and Winter made sure they weren't detected by security.

It took a few minutes for them to arrive on land.

Afterwards, they traveled to Lance's location inside the building.

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