Playa Del Carmen

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"Hola! Dónde está este hotel?"

"Wow, I didn't know that you speak multiple languages."

"I don't really. They are just basics."

After a while of walking, they arrived to the place Kimura was supposed to be.

"Alright Kimura, I have arrived here. Lance Sterling is coming after you."

"And Bond...Hydrogen Bond." Walter stated as he revealed his enabled joke on his watch of a hydrogen bond hologram.

"You need medicine."

"That's just his personality."

Kimura's group was found easily and Lance was going to fight them.

"Did you just toe pock me?"

"You're a pigeon, you could just walk past them."

"Do you think he knows what a pigeon even sounds like?"

Lance started cawing before squawking around.

"I guess my answer is a no then..." Winter said as he walked past his brother and lance to see the pigeons.

Next, Lance was welcomed into the flock of Lovey and two other pigeons.

"Human feet away from me." Lance shouted as he was crowded by Lovey and a purple/blue -ish colored pigeon. "I wish I could unsee that."

The pigeon with a lollipop on his head ate the bandaid that was thrown up earlier by him.

"I want to call you Crazy Eyes. Is that okay?"

Crazy Eyes walked away pass the flock.


"I don't care if your name is Jeff."

"You can speak to them. Does Lovey love me and Winter? Are we her best friend?"

Lance clearly was serious on his mission as he ignored Walter's request.

"Nice to meet you Jeff!"

"Stop talking to Jeff!" Lance shouted during his journey to get something.

"Rude to the fan bird."

Jeff tried to imitate and follow Lance.

After a while, Winter when to see the pigeons.

"Rata con alas" the receptionist person said as she pushed the "rat with wings" in the trash bin after banging Lance with a keyboard.

"That must hurt. At least the keycard is in our possession. Might not be what we want, but it's something." Winter stated as he stared at Crazy Eyes.

They returned back to Walter and went to the elevater.

"Well, look at that. Being in a flock did help you."

"Not my flock!" Lance said angry at Jeff and Crazy Eyes.

Jeff tried to shoo Crazy Eyes away.

"I do not need your help."

The elevator door closed and it can't go up without pressing a floor button.

"Can you press 20 for me?"

"I thought you didn't need help."

"I don't."

"Sounds like helping."

"Is not!"

Later, they entered Kimura's room to get some answers.

"And he was naked." Winter stated as he entered the room after Walter.

Lance wanted answers, so Walter scienced Kimura with his multi gadget pen.

"Did you just gave the man a refreshing spray?"

"Truth serum, but yes it has a lavender scent to it."

"It was kind of my idea since lavender can improve mood."

"Watch, what is your biggest secret?"

"I peed in the pool." Kimura answered quickly.

"Wow, that is a lot of honesty there."

Kimura told them everything they asked for until they needed to leave soon.

It was a bit of pain to drag Kimura up to the door to block the people chasing after Lance.

"Okay! Basic physics. Let's go!" Winter said jumping safely to the other side.

On the other hand, Walter failed and he and Lance were falling.

"Walter sure isn't that athletic."

"Serious string..." Winter said as he tried to avoid the blast from the pen.

Crazy eyes saved them and cost a losing pen for awhile.

"To Venice I guess."

The group took a ship to travel to Venice.

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