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"And done!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly just as Akira walked back through the doors of the kitchen, pushing along a full cart of yet another round of dishes. His exclamation made her laugh in amusement.

"They just closed the restaurant for the night, we're far from done, Luffy." She pointed out as she dragged the cart over to their post.

"You know, you can go have fun with the others." Luffy offered despite the disappointed look on his face as he stared down at the newest pile waiting for them. "You don't have to stay here with me."

"Luffy, I don't know about you, but I don't wanna be stuck here for a whole year." Akira said with a small laugh, remembering what Zeff had said multiple times while passing the both of them. That was how much they'd eaten.

"The old man's a real piece of work." A sudden voice speaking up made the woman jump in surprise, nearly dropping a bowl she'd been holding in her hands as she spun around to find the kitchen wasn't as empty as she'd believed it to be when walking through the doors. "Bet you regret giving him that IOU." The waiter was back again, sitting at one of the tables and smoking a cigarette.

"I don't really do regret." Luffy said with a small shrug of his shoulders as he started to help Akira move all o the dishes from the cart. "No point in looking back."

"Lucky you." The tone of Sanji's voice had Akira's dark eyes turning to glance his way again as she paused her work. "Sometimes, when I try to look ahead, all I see is back." She could certainly understand the sentiment. For the longest time, she felt the same way in her own life. Until Luffy and the crew came along.

"How long have you been a waiter?" Luffy asked curiously, only to be met with a quick correction.

"I'm not a waiter, I'm a cook." Sanji announced. "Best one in the East Blue." And he was entirely confident about it, making Akira raise a curious eyebrow. His food was good, she'd readily admit that, but the best? "Not that it matters. As long as the old man's in charge, I'm banned from the line."

"But that meal you cooked was incredible." Luffy said, Akira nodding her head along. They'd ended up splitting the small portion of the meal, with Luffy managing to snag perhaps a bit more than his fair half, while Zeff wasn't looking. And both had enjoyed every single bite.

"The True Bluefin Saute?" Sanji asked in a confused voice, Luffy confirming even though neither he nor Akira actually knew the name of the dish up until that moment. "You tried it?" The waiter-cook asked, seeming overjoyed that someone had liked his cooking.

"He couldn't help himself." Akira said in a teasing manner, smiling over at Luffy before looking to the blonde again. "But he is right. The dish was absolutely wonderful."

"I didn't think the food here could get any better." Luffy added on as he began to abandon their dishwashing sink and walk over so he was standing closer to Sanji's table as their conversation continued. "You know, you're a really good cook. Why is Zeff making you wait tables?"

"'Cause he's jealous." Sanji said without missing a beat. "I should be running this place but the old man's so stubborn it'll never happen."

"So, that's your dream? To be head chef of the Baratie?" Luffy questioned, leaning on one of the counters as he spoke, Akira letting out a small laugh as she watched him. Of course, he'd latch on to the idea of dreams as he always did. However, Sanji was quick to deny that. "So, you love to cook. You just don't want to cook here?"

"Oh, I know that look." She muttered out in a knowing tone, the smile on her face captivating as Sanji sent her a confused one of his own since he didn't. "I suspect you'll understand soon enough." She said mysteriously, having no intentions of stealing Luffy's thunder for once the meaning of the look became clear.

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