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Akira sat in the kitchen of the Goin Merry, legs sprawled out across the blue-striped bench and tucked behind Luffy while he sat at its edge, working diligently on cleaning Zoro's sword. The only sound filling the otherwise silent room was that of Sanji's knife hitting against the cutting board as he chopped some of the ingredients for whatever meal he was preparing.

"Something smells delicious." The sound of Usopp's voice had Akira's head moving up from the backrest of the bench, eyes opening as she only then realized she'd started dozing off.

"I just thought everyone'd be hungry, man." Sanji explained with a smile. "Plenty we didn't use. Never waste food." He explained, eyes looking over to Akira and Luffy as they stayed in their seats instead of joining Usopp who'd already started digging in. "What's the matter? Don't like fish."

"I love fish." Luffy said reassuringly. "I just need to get Zoro's sword ready for him, you know. For when he wakes up." Akira didn't miss the hesitant look which Usopp and Sanji exchanged at Luffy's words of optimism. But she didn't show it on her own face, instead, siding with Luffy on the matter.

"He's, uh, pretty badly hurt, man." Usopp pointed out. "There's an itty-bitty chance he might not wake up."

"He's waking up." Akira said in a firm tone, the pointed look on her face relaying even the words she left unspoken. She'd be the one to make sure he did wake of if need be.

"Zoro's the strongest fighter that I know." Luffy didn't let Usopp's words sway his positive outlook on the situation. "No way he's gonna let some warlord guy beat him."

"Well, you've gotta eat." Sanji said in an insistent voice, looking first to Luffy and then to Akira next to him. "Both of you." He added on, pushing a plate forward across the counter that was clearly intended for her. And Akira knew he was right.

Rising up from her spot on the bench, she made her way to sit in one of the chairs at the main table beside Usopp, pulling the plate closer as she smiled over at the cook. "Thank you. You didn't have to stick around to cook for us."

"Who else was gonna do it?" Usopp questioned in a doubtful voice.

"Certainly not you." Akira quipped back at him in a teasing manner, making the boy turn to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Or you." He pointed out in equal measure, more than ready with the response. "You'd burn the ship down trying to boil water." The jab made both Sanji and Akira laugh in amusement, the latter nodding her head in admittance. But the only person not joining them in their moment of levity was Luffy, making Sanji's eyes turn back to him again.

"Come on. If you don't want the fish, I got two-inch T-bones in the kitchen." He started to offer up alternatives, the offer of meat making Akira hopefully look over to the boy she knew would do anything for a good steak. "Or, uh, maybe you're in the mood for saffron risotto?"

"I normally would get both," Still Luffy refused again. And while the smile remained on his face, the lack of appetite was quickly becoming a sign that he wasn't as light-hearted as he acted. "But I really gotta get the Waddy Itchy Monkey ready for him."

"The what?" Both Sanji and Akira asked in unison.

"His sword." Luffy explained. "It's got a name."

"Luffy, sweetie..." Akira spoke up, doing her best to hold back another laugh. "I don't think that's it." She pointed out. She'd only heard Zoro call the sword by name once before, and she hadn't been paying enough attention to be able to repeat it correctly now, but she was certain it wasn't the Waddy Itchy Monkey.

"Why?" Sanji questioned, still somewhat confused by the whole thing.

"I don't know." Luffy shrugged his shoulders. "He said it was kind of special."

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