Chapter Two

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Esmerelda rubbed her temples, leaning over the marble counter as music blared through the ceiling speaker. It was some old music from the early 2000s that had been trending recently, and she usually loved retro music, but today just wasn't it for her. The cafe had been too busy all morning.

Too many children changing their minds on what they wanted from their bakery selection, too many adults behaving like children over their coffee.

"It's too sweet" one lady said, only satisfied after Esmerelda dumped the beverage and made a new one with the normal amount of vanilla pump compared to the two extra the woman had asked for to begin with.

"It's too bitter." Another said, holding the macchiato they chose with full awareness after Esmerelda had continuously warned them that it was not the same as the StarChucks coffee, earning herself a scoff and an angry slam of the shop door.

She groaned, her forehead pressed against the counter. It was too early in the morning for this, but she refused to give up. Just twenty more minutes, and her shift would be over.

She leaned her head up, the bell ringing in her ear com. The manager had decided to remove the old alarm because it would "disturb" the atmosphere, and made all the employees wear an ear comm to not only communicate with each other but to hear an automated bell whenever the front door opened. Esme thought it was stupid, but she wasn't paid enough to argue.

Her eyes met with a handsome man's blue, his skin pale and his blonde hair swept back. Oh great. A white boy. Esme could already guess what he would order, reading him like a book. The satchel on his shoulder, the zipper bulging to hold in the stack of books beneath the leather.

The blue Columbia university crew neck, the glasses folded and hanging from his collar. A college student here to study at a quiet cafe. His face was soft, but he had a silver earring on one lobe, and she could see a tattoo peaking out on his neck, barely hidden by his jersey.

He probably had a sweet tooth. Which meant...

"Hi, can I have your snickerdoodle latte with cold foam?" His voice rang in her ear just as she was typing it into her holo pad. She called it.

Besides it being one of the most popular on the menu, she just had a gut feeling this guy would dig that flavor.

"No problem, anything else?" She looked back up, meeting his eyes. He hesitated, his gaze lingering longer than the normal amount of seconds.

"Yeah, can I have your number?" He asked with a grin, leaning over the counter on one elbow.

She rolled her eyes and couldn't help but smile softly. Kid was bold, she dug it.

"Yeah, I'm twenty five." She responded cheekily.

He rolled his eyes. "Not your age. Your number, sweetheart."

She laughed softly. "Usually no one persists after that line. Respect."

He gave that sly smirk at her again. "Yeah because I'm not a kid. I'm just a year younger than you. My name is Gavin. And you are?"

"Patiently waiting for your order." She leaned away, tapping her screen.

Gavin sighed. "Just the coffee. I still want your number though."

"That will be four dollars and fifty five cents." She tapped her screen, his hand reaching over his phone. She moved her holo reader and he placed his phone near it, earning a high pitched beep.

"If you make a habit of choosing the best cafe in the city, I'll consider it." She said after some thought. "As friends. You seem like a fun guy."

He chuckled softly, putting his phone back in his pocket. "I'll definitely be coming back if you're who serves me, ...?"

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