Chapter Twenty-Three

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Gavin... what was that? Had it all really just been a hallucination? It had felt so real. Every word from him- every memory. It felt like she had really been back to that day.

Esme took a deep breath, willing her heart to stop pounding. She was back in that room, but Ophelia wasn't here.

Alright. Esme had enough of the self-pity party. The hallucinations of Gavin had been... horrible. Did she have good reason to be an absolute wreck right now at the sight of someone she had fallen in love with? Yes. But there were more pressing matters. Like for instance, the not so comforting screams she heard from next door. Screams she didn't want to imagine what the source was.

And the footsteps nearing her room. She didn't want to find out if they belonged to her captor, or the man who had hired them.

So she wiggled her wrist to the right angle, and felt the acid secrete onto the iron, gritting her teeth as it also melted through her glove. It burned like hell but she had to endure it if she wanted to escape. She pulled her hands opposite directions before the metal was finally soft enough to snap in half, freeing herself from its hold.

Esme rubbed her wrists in relief before getting to work on the iron bands around her ankles, melting them too. She quickly got up and scanned her eyes around the room again. There was a vent she could reach if she climbed on top of the counter, and a door to her left. The steps had stopped right outside of it, but she heard a different door open- the screams from next door gaining more of an echo. She looked back at the vent.

She could escape now, but it would be in the opposite direction of her neighbor. And she knew who it was within that room. She couldn't just leave him. Even if he was a bit of a jerk- he was still a hero. Still a good man. He was just like her.

'I hate being such a nice person sometimes' Esme groaned, turning around to the opposite wall.

She angled her palms flatly faced towards it, then sprayed til the wall was sopping wet with her chemicals. She shot a single thread of web to it, grabbing her chair and used it as a shield as she crouched in a corner, then ignited her sparker.


Miguel groaned, his voice hoarse after minutes of screaming

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Miguel groaned, his voice hoarse after minutes of screaming. His head hung between his slumped shoulders, looking up at the woman in lab uniform who stood before him. Doc Oc. She pulled back another syringe after injecting him with yet another dose of her strange drugs, but they only made him feel pain in his arm for a few minutes before his enhanced metabolism flushed the drug from his system. Still, those few minutes left him breathless from the pain.

"What a wonder you are," She hummed, circling him. "Not even an amount that would kill a full grown bull seems to effect you. I wonder how your body will react to a stronger dose of my hallucinogen."

Miguel took a shaky breath and leaned back against the chair, twisting his wrist to try and get a good angle for his talon to cut through his restraints.

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