Chapter Twenty

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Fire-weaver swiftly crossed the roof top, surveying the faint outline of the glowing building that struggled to pierce through the veil of fog with its soft interior light.

She had followed the route Lyla sent her, though it had taken her longer than she would have liked to by web slinging hesitantly through the strange streets. There were layers of levels to the city that she had to pay attention to now, finding herself back in the darkness with the only light emitted from the buildings.

A few dark figures emerged in the fog, circling around the corner and looking around. Despite it interfering with her view as well, she was glad the guards couldn't catch sight of her crouching form.

They paused, investigating a noise before continuing their patrol. That was her opening.

She leapt, upper body forward, wrist propelled. She confirmed the sharp whistle before seeing her silk thread through the air and attach to a wall. Her body swung with speed before her hands and feet silently made contact with the sleek wall, quickly crawling towards an open window.

Weaver looked inside, noting the room was dark and empty. She pulled herself inside but kept attached to the ceiling, crawling across until she figured out the large panel in the wall with light illuminating it's frame from the other side was a door.

'It's just a simple, quick scout mission.' Weaver reassured her nerves, taking a deep breath as she stalked to the door.

She perched her knees to the ceiling while she reached upwards- or she guessed downwards, and turned the door handle. 'Glad to see they still have these,' she thought.

She slowly cracked the door just enough for her to peer into the dull hallway. It looked pretty barren, solid grey floor of some type of tile, and cream colored walls blemished by the yarrow lighting.

She didn't hear anyone, so she widened the door further for her body to slink out, using her foot to close it behind her. Lyla had hacked the nearby power to cut the feed to any surveillance cameras, so she didn't have to worry about the black orb that glared at her from the middle of the hallway's ceiling.

'Okay, let's see what's over here...'

She crept down the hall until she neared another door and pressed her ear against it to hear the muffled voices. It was too faint to make out- but she did pick up on the footsteps approaching. She quickly flattened herself to the ceiling and held her breath as the door opened.

'Don't look up, don't look up.' She prayed to no one in particular.

The man in a lab coat closed the door and walked down the hall, oblivious. She released the tiny breath she had been holding, before following the man carefully to the elevators, making sure she stayed above him. Even if she lagged behind, he was fully focused on the tablet he was holding and absent mindedly waved his wrist over the scanner inside, pressing one of the restricted levels.

'Okay, this is definitely way more than just looking around,' she cringed at herself. How exactly was she going to get back up? What if she walked into a room full of henchman and got caught?

Meh, she'd cross that bridge when she got there.

The doors closed, sealing her decision. She felt her blood rush as the small space plummeted down what must have been several stories, her ears popping, numbers dropping on the meter. Hell, her eyes almost popped when the elevator stopped and saw the floor read '-14'.

From the outside, the building had appeared to be maybe just three floors, and just a modest office business. That had definitely been a facade.

The doors opened and the man walked out into another hallway. She gulped, her survival instincts finally kicking into gear. It felt like she was crawling into a snake den. But she had to do this. See what they were up to- get a sense of what she was really up against.

FIREWEAVER | A Spiderverse FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin