Chapter Twenty-One

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Miguel knew he was punching Roulette, but he couldn't stop seeing glimpses of dark, shoulder length hair splayed in a halo around cerulean eyes. He knew he was saving Xina, but he felt like he was killing the love of his life.

He was running down that hallway again. Wearing the suit that clung to him in the colors of spider lily and iris. Getting lost in the chasms of the memories that haunted him.

He faintly heard a voice calling him. Yelling "spider-man!". He needed to hold onto that voice. He shot a web and tethered his body to it, lifting back to the surface, to keep himself from falling back down the hallway.

The blurred face finally came back into view- a broken nose and dark purple and blue painting the man's cheeks and closed eyes. Miguel froze his fist, stopping himself from hitting the unconscious man again.

"S-spider man!"

He jolted as he felt hands touch his shoulder, quickly moving away and lifting his hand to hit again, before meeting the eyes of the woman he came to save.

"Are you okay?" She questioned.

If he hadn't been wearing a mask she would have seen his lips stretch to a thin line. If his mask hadn't been unstable molecules she would have seen the streaks that soaked the fabric.

"You shouldn't be here." Was all he managed to bring himself to say.

"Neither should you. But I'm glad you're back, I totally could have handled it myself, though."

He chuckled slightly. "Yeah, sure you could have. We need to go."

"I have to grab the key first from the server rooms," she glanced to the gaping hole in the wall that she had crashed through. "And then we have to find Fire-weaver."

"Who?" He questioned.

"Fire-Weaver, or I guess spider-woman. I thought you would know who she is since, y'know, she's the more vibrant version of you. Less edgy." She teased.

"Says the girl in black." He crossed his arms.

"Girl in black, is named 'Black Cat." She winked, and Spider-man rolled his eyes.

"I'm rolling my eyes at you," he added to make sure she knew.

"And now I'm walking away" she mocked his narration, turning and exiting through the wall. He couldn't help but admire the way her suit hugged her body, before quickly shaking his head.

He glanced back at the unconscious Roulette and shot a web to be safe just in case, before quickly following her out. She did a bunch of typing on a console before she pulled out a small, black flash drive. She pocketed it then gestured to follow her out, before stopping as the room filled with red. Alarms blared, shrill and causing him to cover his sensitive ears.


"Well shock, that's just great." Miguel groaned.

"We can make it out in time if we go now- follow me!"

They exited the room and darted down the hall. They ran back the way Xina had left, before turning a corner and colliding with another figure. Oof!

Black cat stumbled backwards into spider-man as she looked down and met the familiar white visors of the orange masked heroine.

"Black-cat!" Spider-woman yelped in surprise. Spider-man could only feel a deep discomfort in his chest as he looked at her.

She was different in person. Shorter than he expected. Her suit was almost a primitive version of his unstable molecules, the vibrant colors glimmering in similarity to a fire while the brown parts looked slick and shiny like holographic latex.

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