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'I don't know where it started. I suppose it began before I could walk. When I learned how to crawl. A different kind. Not on walls or across ceilings. It was across soft carpet. Towards green eyes that held my entire future in her face.

I don't remember much about that face anymore. Nor the words of encouragement she used to tell me.

I don't remember the palm trees outside. Don't remember the sunlight that kissed my skin and painted it gold. I don't remember the comforting hands that lifted me to my feet, holding me while I took my small, first steps.

Don't remember the good times before the bad.

But I suppose that's why we call it the beginning. Because we beg to remember where things started, after all. What things were like before it all burned to hell.'


'You've been awfully quiet while I talked about my god awful past.'

'Because I'm listening.'

'Listening to what?'

'You. Your thoughts. Just, you.'

'You should teach me sometime.
All I ever seem to do is talk.'

'But then all you'd ever do is listen.
Then we would be stuck in silence
because we both know I'm not going to impose.'

'.... I wish I could go back.'

'To where?'

'No, to when.'

'Okay, to when?'

'To the bite.
I wish I could go back to the day I got bit.'

— – - intermission - – —


Esmerelda Costello

Drawing by mwuah ^

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Drawing by mwuah ^

Drawing by mwuah ^

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