Chapter Twenty-Five

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Miguel surveyed each panel presented to him. Each monitor featured a different file pulled from the hard drive- research about quantum physics, another about tears through reality that allowed one to quite literally look through the hole as a window without the other side being able to see you.

The last one unsettled Miguel. It talked about gaining power by absorbing the energy offered by a special vessel- consuming the person completely.

Was that why spider-woman was brought here? What was Spectre trying to accomplish by absorbing powers? Who was consuming it? Why did they want spider-woman specifically? Why not someone from another dimension? Or had they already been taking others from their dimensions, and this was the first time Miguel was aware of it?

And did Spectre belong to Miguel's world, or were they from another dimension entirely?

He paged Xina. Some of the files were still locked by passcodes, he would need her to unlock those before he did any further research.

A bit later, he heard a noise outside his door- laughter. Did she bring someone with her? He frantically looked around for his shades but there were nowhere to be found on his desk. He tried to see if they slipped underneath it when he heard the door open- bumping his head against the metal.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his head, lifting it to see Xina at the entrance, and... another woman behind her.

His gaze traveled across her form, her style quite similar to Xina's as if she had borrowed from her wardrobe. Shiny material fabric, solid white suit that was baggy below the knees and elbow but tapered in, waist outlined nicely by neon yellows and orange. Her face was unfamiliar though. Green eyes behind her glasses squinted and looking past him.

"Damn, why's it so dark in here? Your boss el chupacabra or something?" He heard her try to whisper, ignorant to his enhanced hearing.

Xina grimaced, eyes quickly making contact with his as Miguel let out a snort.

"I thought I only requested your presence, Xina. Did I accidentally mention an assistant too?"

Esme bristled, confused where the voice was coming from. She couldn't see squat in this office.

"Very funny Miguel. I wanted to introduce you to Esmerelda Costello. One of the new trainees we got this year. I was giving her a tour before you so rudely interrupted me." Xina clicked her tongue, crossing her arms as she walked inside.

"Uh, I can wait outside," Esme stayed by the door, her eyes flicking between the very ominous lighted office, and what felt like the dazzling hallway of safety.

Miguel rolled his eyes. "You'll get back to your tour in a bit, this shouldn't take long. You can wait there newbie, give me and Xina a minute to discuss something."

"Oh, okay." Esme let out a sigh of relief, stepping back out. She could check off meeting her scary boss later on the list.

Once Miguel heard the doors close with a hiss he pulled back the panels again and showed Xina the glaring red lock symbol on the file he was trying to access, 'Project_Twin_Rings'.

"This is concerning. What's so important that they secured it so tightly?" Xina murmured, pushing Miguel aside to take control of his console.

"That's what I'm wondering. Can you get in?"

She flashed him a smirk. "Is it even a question?"

"No I just like asking things for no reason." Miguel rolled his eyes as he leaned back, watching as she carefully began working away.

"Did Lyla already give this a try?" She glanced at him from the curtain of her hair.

"Yes." He bit back another sarcastic comment, deciding against it. "She couldn't get past the first layer. Recommended her mom give it a try."

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