Chapter 2

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"What is it, Captain?" You urged, watching as he leaned forward, planting the folder open-side up on the desk and sliding it towards you to take.

"Your marks on the SAS selection were...astounding." He stated simply as you read over the small section dedicated to the selection scores on your file.

In that time you took a peek at the rest of your file.

Just basic things, your name, age, date of birth. It also had your enlistment date, a profile photo attached to the top of the folder via paperclip, and some various other information like medical needs and notable characteristics.

"Needless to say, I'm very impressed by your capabilities; I'd like to have you join my task force." Price explained.

So that's what he wanted with you.

You actually couldn't believe it. This was like some fanfiction-type shit, a y/n moment. But hey, in virtual reality, anthyding can hadplen.

"As a private you would have the lowest ranking of 141, but with your reputable record I'd say you'll be moving up in ranks quickly." He added, as if he even needed to sweeten the deal. Without a moment's hesitation, you responded.

"Absolutely." You told him with certainty, no hesitation in your response.

He took the case file from your possession, tucking it away into a drawer in his desk before leaning back in his chair.

"Great to hear. You'll be training with Sergeant Soap starting tomorrow morning." He told you.

Making a mental note, you nodded. You practically beamed with excitement. The training would probably be absolutely grueling but if it was with Soap then it was worth it.

Besides, if you passed the SAS selection, it should be a breeze.

Wait, how did you pass selection?
You were a college student that spent 90% of your day hunched over your desk in your dorm studying for tests and learning information that wouldn't even matter to you in a few years. The other 10% certainly wasn't spent working out either, so clearly being in this virtual reality altered your physical capabilities to some degree. You'd have to check that out when you got back to the barracks later, you made a note to yourself. Maybe you have abs, you snickered to yourself before remembering to focus on the subject at hand.

You tuned back in to Price's words, honing in on something about mutter mutter Ceremony, mutter, mutter mutter, be there at 8:00.

"Sorry, say that one more time," You requested, furrowing your eyebrows to make sure you heard him correctly.

"After you finish your part of the paperwork we'll be holding an initiation ceremony," He restarted, an underlying sound of irritation in his tone as he spoke, "get cleaned up, wear your class A's, and be there at 8:00." He instructed and you nodded in confirmation. An underlying tone of panic struck you.

What if you're late? What if you say the wrong thing? Is the initiation ceremony like frat house inductions? What the fuck are class A's?

No matter. You'll figure it out. Taking a sharp breath, you gave Price a bright smile and nodded. "I'll be there, Captain." You concluded. He returned your smile before redirecting the conversation.

"Now that that's settled," He reached over to pull a few pieces of paper from the top of a stack and handed them to you. "It's time for paperwork."


After a dastardly amount of paperwork and a firm handshake, you were sent on your way to hit the showers and get ready. You walked the maze of halls before finally finding the barracks once again, directing your focus on the doors that led to the shared washroom for the unit.

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