putting up the Christmas decorations early (requested)

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You let out a sigh of boredom as the movie you were watching came to an end.

You looked around the living room and tried to think of what you could do to occupy yourself for the next few hours.

Yunjin is out with the girls for the day and you're happy that she's getting to spend time with them outside of work, just to hang out.

But this has left you feeling bored since you're home all alone.

You thought about turning on another movie and getting a little sleep.

But then, an idea came to your mind.

Perhaps you could do something else.

It is the holiday season now that Halloween is over.

Christmas music is playing on the radio now, the weather has changed, and you're starting to feel festive.

And being in the Christmas spirit already, you decided to do some decorating.

You set your phone up to connect with the speakers and you start to play your favorite Christmas songs, singing along to every word of everyone.

You grabbed all the decorations that you'd need and started by hanging up your' and Yunjin's stockings by the fireplace.

You hung some extra Christmas lights up along the room and then started to decorate the tree.

You straightened the branches out and began to put the garland and lights around it.

You hung up all the ornaments; all different colors of red, silver, green, and gold.

You added other ornaments onto it too, such as snowflakes and Santa's.

You put some candy canes that you picked up the other day on as well and then, you put the star on top.

You plugged in the lights and the room lit up and you were so proud of how beautiful it all looked.

Yunjin was going to love it.

And, speaking of your girlfriend, her cover of last Christmas started to play on your phone and through the speakers.

You put on your Santa hat and sang along as you made a few final touches to the decorations before you put some lights around the fireplace and then a couple of wreaths up on the wall.

It truly felt like Christmas now that all of your decorations were up and you loved it.

Just as you finished decorating inside, you heard the front door open.

You were surprised to see Yunjin walk through the door so early, or so you thought.

You'd been so caught up in decorating that you didn't even notice how much time had gone by.

It's been a couple of hours since you first started, making your idea a great way to pass the time.

"You decorated?" Yunjin asked as she looked around in awe.

"I got bored." You said as Yunjin admired how much thought you put into every detail of the decorations. "I know it's early but I'm feeling the Christmas spirit."

She walked over to you and pulled you into her arms with a bright smile.

"It's never too early for Christmas, right?" She grinned. "It all looks so beautiful. You did a great job."

"Thank you, baby. I still have to put up the decorations outside but that can wait until tomorrow."

"It could... or we could do it together tonight." She suggested.

Your eyes sparkled at the thought of doing that with your girl.

You couldn't think of a better way to put them up.

"Okay." You happily said.

You both grabbed all of the decorations such as the reindeer, the candy canes for the walkway, and more lights to wrap around the trees outside.

When you walked outside, just before you both began to work on everything, you both realized that some snowflakes were falling onto the ground, making the moment even more special.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you too." She said back to you and gave you a quick kiss. "And after we finish, I say we cuddle by the fire and listen to Christmas songs while we drink hot chocolate."

There couldn't be a better way to spend the night than that.

Plus, you're already starting to feel a little chilly, and cuddling with Yunjin by the fire sounded like the best way to warm up when you're both done.

"I'd love that." You smiled and pecked her lips once more.

You both started on the decorations, trying to make the outside of your shared home look just as beautiful as the inside.

And Yunjin just smiled as she watched you, wondering if you had any idea of just how much she loves you and appreciates what you did today.

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