Chapter Four

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Taurus Bartlett

"Mama where are you "I said walking into the house and taking off my sneakers my mother never let us walk in the house with shoes from the outside. My and mother have the best relationship my father wasn't ever in my life but when he found I had money in came back around but I didn't let him get close. So that's why wanted my child to always have a father figure so wouldn't look for another man to teach him things even though his mother isn't around I'm happy Nyla took him in.

"Boy don't yell in my fucking house, "Staci says.

"Ma your favorite son here, "I said walking into the kitchen where she making pies for Sunday dinner everyone coming over I thought about bringing Nyla with me it's something about her that I liked she brings out a different side of me. One thing I never stayed at a woman's house or even cuddled I felt love wasn't for me after Crystal left out of nowhere.

"Hey, my baby"Staci hugged her son she had been missing him so much. Staci loved all her kids but Polo we always her baby she knew he needed her more than anything being his manager was hard cause she had put behind her that her son saw him as her client.

"What bring you by and where my grand baby" Staci asked.

"He with his mama," I said she looked at me so crazy.

"Boy don't tell me you have that girl around him again," She says.

"Naw ma Nyla is someone who has been taking care of him for a while," I said.

"Oh she sweet girl I will be seeing her help everyone out," Staci says she loves Nyla because of how the young woman carried herself even helped Staci with her makeup line that had been booming.

"Yeah, she something, "I said smiling thinking about her.

"Boy I see you," She says he puts his head down heading his face.

Nyla Johnson

"Asia what happened" I said coming outside she said something had been bothering me for a while.

"I can't take this anymore Nyla but have to tell you some shit," Asia said.

"Okay," I said confused because of what this had to do with me.

"You need to stay away from Polo is a criminal like went to jail for murder and gun charges how is he even a father" Asia says.

"Asia please stop that shit you're not a criminal too so I'm not about to stay away from him, "I said walking ways she grabbed my arm.

"Asia bro let me go," I said.

"I'm telling you wassup so when this nigga does something to you don't be crying to me, "Asia says.

"Yo let my mother's arm go"Tremani pulled me back.

"Uh whatever," Asia says walking into her house.

"You okay ma," Tremani asked.

"Yeah baby let's go back inside," I said walking away what was wrong with this since Taurus came she had been acting out lately for no reason.

To be continued....




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