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The rest of the night consisted with Pablo and Melissa drowning themselves in drinks.
Both for different reasons. Melissa because she was already drunk and didn't know what was happening and Pablo because he wants to forget what happened.
"I think that's enough" Alejandro says taking both cups away from the couple.
Pablo let's the boy take the drink before he latched onto his girlfriend. "Te amo bien mucho, mi vida" he slurs
The girl just laughs as she tries to press a kiss to his lips.
The rest of Pablo's friends in their own world besides Ale, who took it upon himself to take care of everyone.
"Stop, stop, we don't need to see you two make a baby" he tries separating them.
Pablo pushes his friends hands away and wraps them around his girlfriends shoulders, bring her to his chest.
He rests his cheek on the top of her head and starts to sway with her in his arms to the music.
He didn't care that people where filming him, he didn't care that his friends and sister were here.
He only cared about the girl who stood in his arms, arms wrapped around his torso and head on his chest.
Pushing slightly away so he could get a good view of the girl before leaning down and whispering into her ear.
"Let's go back to the house?" He suggested.
Melissa looks up at him and nods her head.
She knew she was going to regret drinking.

Pablo turns to look at Alejandro then tosses him the keys. "I'm getting a taxi and heading back, my head is starting to hurt" Pablo slurs as he starts to walk away, leading his also drunk girlfriend.

Who's clever idea was it to let to drunks leave. Theirs.
And they leave to Melissa and Pablo joke around, Melissa stumbling slightly and would've probably fallen if it wasn't for Pablo.
They stop for a quick sec, Pablo pulling out his phone remembering that he forgot to order the Uber.
Melissa stands there patiently, her eyes diversity to a group of girls that were also leaving.
her a smile appear on her lips noticing a familiar girl.
"Sira!" She cheers before walking over to her.
Siras looks over and her eyes instantly perk at the girls.
"It's been so long" Sira laughs pulling her into a hug.
The blue eyed girl laughs and pulls away.
"How have you been" she asks trying not to let the alcohol take over.

"I'm great, how about you? How is Estela?" She asks, placing a hand on Melissa's arm.
"I'm good as well, Estela Is great, thank you" she smiles.
The Perez girls eyes divert behind Sira, noticing the girl from earlier.
"Hi Ana" she smiles kindly.
"You know Melissa?" Sira asks her friend.

"I met her earlier"

Melissa opens her mouth to say something, but stops when she feels Pablo walk up next to her.
"Hey Pablo" sira smiles.
Pablo smiles back at her.

The duo talked to the group for a little while longer as they waited for their Uber to arrive.
Melissa was having fun catching up with Sira and getting to know the other girls a little better.
She used to occasionally talk to the girl but became harder after her and Ferran broke up.
She distanced herself from the barça group.

Melissa looks up at Pablo while Sira search for something on her phone to show them.
The girl follows his eyes to see that him and Ana were holding eye contact.
a small pit feeling grows in the girls stomach, gripping her hand around his bicep to get his attention. Which it did.
Pablo looks at the blue eyed girl, a small smile on his face as he looks at her.
"Ah, here we go" Sira saying turning her phone around to show them the pictures of a puppy she found.
"Aww, Cute" Melissa chuckles

The conversation was soon cut when a Melissa and Pablo's car arrives. Hugging Sira tightly then saying goodbye to everyone else.
"Text me" Melissa tells her friend before the couple make their way over to the car.


The blue eyed girl groans as she falls onto the bed. She had ended up taking a nap on the way back which caused her to sober up just a tad bit. Enough so she would be able to change her clothes and get ready to sleep.
Pablo on the other hand was completely knocked out next to her.
He had managed to pull his clothes off but didn't bother putting anything on, leaving his in only boxers.
Melissa gets comfortable in beds snuggling the closest she could to him.
Closing her eyes, her mind drifts to the way Ana and Pablo were looking at eachother.
She is drunk but she remembers. Hopefully she will when she fully sobers up.

Pablo was looking at her as if something was bothering him but Ana was looking at him like a teenage girl looks at their crush in class.
and it didn't settle right with her.
She'll asks him in the morning. She thinks.

A few hours went by, when Pablo was woken up from movement then loud throwing up noises.
Lifting his head up off the bed, he can see Melissa bent over the toilet.
Pain shoots up the boys head as he quickly gets up to help his girlfriend.
Reaching her, he gently grabs her hair in a makeshift pony tail and rubs her back.
Melissa stays hunched over the toilet feeling as if another round was coming.
Pablo removes his hand from her back and rips off a piece of paper.
Melissa sits up then plots her butt onto the floor.
Pablo sits down next to her and let's go of her hair and wipes her mouth.
The girl leans into his shoulder while closing her eyes.
"Estas bien?" He asks.
"I'm never drinking again" she mutters
Pablo leans his head with hers before he helps her get up.
She brushes her teeth and the couple go to back the bed, noticing that it was still dark out.
"What time is it" she asks as her and pablo get comfortable again.
Pablo twists around taking a quick peak at him phone.
"4 am" he whispers, turning back and wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.
"Go to sleep, mi amor" he whispers, snuggling his face into her neck, leaving small kiss.

A/n: 🤯 it's not what you think

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