Episode 1: Spyfall part 1

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Liv is walking down her street on her way home, done with work for the day just like any other

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Liv is walking down her street on her way home, done with work for the day just like any other. Though what she wasn't expecting was that good ol' blue box showing up on her street once more. Her eyes immediately lit up as I stepped out the doors and gave her a big hug "hello again Doctor" she says to me, her eyes full of that unending beauty like always. "Hi again Liv, sorry that it's been a while since.. well since all of that, I got distracted" "by what?" "oh this and that, a crashing spaceship on the moon, a blowfish on the loose.. a robot shark" to which she just gives me a confused look followed by a chuckle "sounds like you haven't gone back to your life then" "well I did, a couple of times.. but I just don't think it's for me anymore" I say with an awkward smile. Liv then just shakes her head and steps inside the TARDIS, not expecting it to be overgrown with vines all over the interior "mo godnondedju" is her only response as I also step inside and laugh a little "yeah uh, forgot to mention but there was also a sentient bush that had a tendency to increase fauna in the area when it got upset.." to which she chuckles again "you sure had a fun while I was away didn't ya?" and I laugh too. Stepping over to the console and pressing a couple of buttons that thankfully get rid of it all "ah.. of course that works now" "just my effect huh?" Liv says cheekily, I smile and pull down the lever. Ready for more adventures...

As we're flying through the vortex, Liv brings something to my attention "Doctor uh.. ever since you upgraded my phone I've been able to access all sorts of things, military files and such.. and uh, something strange has been happening with spies all over the world" "what do you mean?" "according to intelligence records, they were attacked by something unknown and have been rendered empty" "empty? I'd better look into this" and it's then that I get a phone call "hello?" "you must be the doctor, I am O from MI6, we need your help, please come as quickly as you can.." and with that I pull down the lever again, destination, MI6..

When we arrive some soldiers are quick to escort us to a room, a man stands alone next to a hospital bed with a woman lying on it, I walk up to him and just say "you must be O, I'm the Doctor" to which he smiles slightly and passes me a tablet "assessments from the medical team, this here is Dakota Yinaga, one of our best agents, she was on a flight from France to Los Angeles, though she never finished her mission since she was attacked by.. well we don't know, so Doctor, what's your diagnosis?" I just look at the tablet, reading the assessments carefully "will she live Doctor?" Liv asks me, to which I just say "there's nothing left of her to live, her entire DNA has been erased, she's an empty shell.." O then just sighs and calls in some medical people who take her away, he then leads me and Liv to an empty room, seemingly his office. He just takes a seat and gestures for us to sit across from him so we do, he flips around a laptop and says "play the video Doctor, it might give you a clue of what we're dealing with.." "what do you mean?" "I was trusted with this CCTV footage by the UN, it's the last moments of Dakota" I just play the video, admittedly surprised to see a strange white creature phase through the wall of the bathroom on the plane and envelope her in some strange white tendrils. "Does this give you a clue Doctor?" "not in the least.. I've never seen anything like this, beings that can phase through solid matter and erase a persons very DNA.. this is new to me... and scary" O just sighs and gets up, silently grabbing a suitcase and bringing it over to us "if you're to face a threat such as this, then I'm entrusting you both with this technology" he says with a slight smile as he opens it. Inside are some fancy looking shoes and cufflinks "what are these?" Liv asks him, he chuckles and just replies "the shoes fire plasma bolts and the cufflinks fire a small neutralising missile" to which I give him a look of surprise.

"So, weapons then.. yeah I don't know how much you know about me but weapons aren't really my thing" "Oh I'm aware of that Doctor, which is why they're for your friend here and not you, I'm well aware that you're more than capable of defending yourself but she isn't" Liv smirks slightly and puts them on "fair enough" I just say, my eyes then widening in shock as O is suddenly shot by a strange yellow laser, dying on the spot. "What the hell!?" I exclaim as more laser bolts are shot into the room, without hesitation I bring me and Liv down to the floor and pull out the TARDIS key. Summoning her thankfully quite quickly, I grab Liv and we run into the TARDIS and I don't hesitate to pull down the lever though.. it doesn't take off. "Doctor! something's trying to get inside!" Liv shouts to me as I look over and see one of those creatures trying to phase through the doors "oh no you don't!" I proclaim as I bash the console with a mallet and the TARDIS thankfully takes off. I quickly run over to the doors and scan them with the sonic "I thought nothing could get inside the TARDIS" Liv says to me "neither did I.." I just say back, my voice shaky with fear..

As we fly through the vortex, unsure of where to go next I decide to start spitballing "ok, never seen those before in my life... but I have seen them before" "where?" Liv asks me, "in the show, they're called the kasaavin, creatures from another dimension that were trying to invade earths history, alien spies.." "right.. well we'd best stop em' then" Liv says with a slight smile which I return "damn right" I then get a picture from someone else at MI6 and bring it up on the screen, Liv being confused as to why it's a picture of a fish "um.. Doctor?" "mhmmhm?" I say back as I analyse the picture "why are you looking at a picture of a fish?" She asks, "it's steganography, basic spy craft in your time, there's another image hidden within the pixels of this one" "right, who sent it to you?" "another friend of mine from MI6, her name is Stacy, I feel like we should go see her when the TARDIS finishes deciphering the image.."

Before we know it, we land in the Australian outback. Stacy sat on a lawn chair outside a little hut smiling as she sees the TARDIS land in the field outside her home, as I step out she seems familiar to me though I can't quite place it..

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