Episode 8: The giggle

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Me and Liv are inside the TARDIS, a usual setting for the pair of us but it's different this time

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Me and Liv are inside the TARDIS, a usual setting for the pair of us but it's different this time. Instead of the usual euphoric and giddy energy we have while inside this safe haven, we're so shaken up it feels like the boat has tipped over and we've both drowned in uncertainty and fear...

After a moment of silence I get another call from Kate "hello?" I ask, "Doctor, we need you here right now... Everything's going pear-shaped" I just hang up and pull down the lever, destination: UNIT HQ. The TARDIS lands on the helipad once again and Kate walks up to me once again, this time the hug she gives me is much deeper "I've fought them all, Cybermen, Sontarans robots and yetis, but what do we do this time Doctor? How do we fight the human race?" Me and Liv share a look of confusion as she leads us inside and shows us a video "this is Robert Schumaker, he declared his right to land the plane wherever he wanted" we watch in horror as the video shows the plane he was flying crashing into the usually lively and bustling London streets. "What's going on?" "Basically everyone thinks they're right and won't be told otherwise" "well how are you lot unaffected?" "The zeedex, that's how" "and what's the zeedex?" "an invention of the Vlinks" a strange robot says and I just nod in approval "but- how am I not affected?" Liv asks, I just propose the idea "maybe long-term travel in the TARDIS puts you out of sync?" She just shrugs and I then ask Kate "so what's causing this?" "We're calling it the spike" "and the spike is?" "I think, I need to show you" she walks away a little and tells an operative "de-activate my Zeedex" as soon as it's turned off she says to me "why did you know my father so well?! What are you hiding? I mean seriously we're an organisation dedicated to fighting aliens and yet we allow one to work with us just about all the damn time" "okay, turn it back on" I say to the operative and he does, I walk up to Kate and rub her arm a little "thank you for showing me" she just nods and says "but it's not just me, it's happening to everyone worldwide" "but why?" Liv asks. Kate just says "ask the Vlinks" "go on the Vlinks, why is this happening?" "As to why we are uncertain, but we do know it's not being beamed in from outside, the spike is generated inside the brain" "hm.." I stand there and think for a moment before Liv asks "can't we give everyone a zeedex?" "Hah, you try that" she turns on a screen and a news anchor is ranting about being anti-zeedex, the pair of us just sigh as I then ask "can you filter out the wavelength? Filter out the noise?" "gives us a strong coherent wave in the seizure focus peaking seven times" as I look at the peaks I grab a sheet of paper and draw dots on the peaks "it's an arpeggio, middle C an octave higher, la-la-la-la-la-la-la" and as I sing it everyone in the room reacts "what?" "sing that again" Liv says "la-la-la-la-la-la-la" and again everyone reacts, visibly distressed.

"I know that from somewhere" Kate says "me too.." Liv responds "but I'm not reacting to it, just the humans" a lady then says "I've found a match to the notes" "oh thanks, what's your name by the way?" "Shirley Anne Bingham" "thank you Shirley" I say as I look at the video "it's not a tune.. it's a laugh" "it's a puppet, what is that thing?" Liv asks, Shirley then just says "it's Stooky Bill, the first face to ever appear on television, put there by John Logie Baird himself" "but I've never seen that before so how do I know it?" Liv asks, I then realise "for the first time in history everyone has access to one of these" I tap the monitor "a screen, if that laugh has been hiding in every screen..." I run around, using the sonic to put the giggle on all the screens in the room "since the beginning of television it's been plaguing humanity, to the whole world.. Laughing at the human race! Driving you mad.." They all just look at me like a madman "anyway, Shirley have we got the exact date of that transmission?" "Hang on.. 2nd of October 1925 at 22 Frith street, Soho, W1D 4RF" "thank you very much" I say to her with a smile as I grab my coat "come on Liv, TARDIS?" "suite 17" a man says and we walk to the TARDIS..

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