Episode 6: Wild blue yonder

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The TARDIS zooms into a room of a spaceship, me and Liv quickly running out coughing

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The TARDIS zooms into a room of a spaceship, me and Liv quickly running out coughing. "I have never, ever!" "Out of the way!" I shout as I pull her down to the ground away from the doors, some flames then shooting out of the TARDIS before the doors slam shut. "Bloody hell.." I say as I get up and inspect the damage, opening the doors to just see a ravaged TARDIS. "Is it bad?" Liv asks worriedly, I just rest my head on the doors and let out an upset "it was brand new.." "Sorry.." "Not your fault" "yes it was, but can we fly? Can we get back home?" I smirk a little and just reassure her by saying "we can do... Anything!" Liv smiles a little as I take out the sonic screwdriver and a normal screwdriver "sonic screwdriver! and a non-sonic screwdriver" Liv chuckles "I think a non-sonic screwdriver is called a screwdriver" "thank you" I say in a funny voice before prying off the lock with the normal screwdriver. "See this old box can mend itself, it just needs a little push sometimes" I say as I finally plug the sonic into the keyhole "there we go... It can rebuild" I stand back for a moment while we wait for the light to go on, smiling when it does "there we are mending mending mending, now... Assessments boss?" Liv gives me a look before just saying "feels like a spaceship" "it sure does, should we have a look?" Liv scoffs "yeah OR we can wait here until the TARDIS mends itself so I can go back home! My family is waiting for me!" "Yeah but.. It's a spaceship" I say with a shrug, eager to explore. Liv shakes her head and just goes "yeah alright then" I smile and open the door..

As we step out the door we smile in glee as we're met with a HUGE and long corridor, everything is mostly white bar from these strange slanted pillars reaching from the floor at the sides of the floor and meeting the ceiling at the end. "This is.. massive" I can't help but say as Liv gets out an orange felt tip and draws an X on the wall next to the door we walked out of "what's that for" "oh just.. Marking my territory" "okay.. Why did you really do it?" Liv chuckles and replies "this place is absolutely huge, I drew that in case we get lost so we can use it to easily identify where the TARDIS is" "smart" I admit to her with a slight smile to which she just smirks. "What's that?" I ponder out loud as we see a small black shape off in the distance, Liv comes up to me but doesn't say anything "HELLO?" I call out to it, no response "is it a person or a thing?" Liv asks wearily "we could go take a look" Liv sighs "I don't wanna stray too far from the TARDIS but... Alright" I smile and we keep walking "where do you think they came from?" Liv asks as we walk "who?" "The boneless fellas" "oh... From another dimension I reckon, there's several, it's perfectly feasible that one exists that only consists of two dimensional space" Liv just shrugs as I notice something on the floor "oh hold on" I press a button on the floor with my foot and a funny floating car pops up out of the ground "the Todfather awaits m'lady" "oh forget Tod, Steve's her daddy now" we chuckle and get in, beginning to drive towards the strange shape in the distance..

As we drive we hear something that makes me turn us around IMMEDIATELY "what was that?!" Liv exclaims "the TARDIS!" I say back as we zoom back to the door and run back into the room, only to see the TARDIS dematerialising away "what?!" Liv asks, quite surprised and a little scared "where's it gone?" I just look at where it was, not saying a word "no don't do this, get it back now!" Liv begins to cry a little as I just take her hand, kiss it and hold it to my chest "Rin is waiting" "there is one.. hope, a mechanism aboard the TARDIS called the HADS, hostile action displacement system, when something goes awry or the TARDIS is under attack it.. goes away" "goes where?" "Anywhere, I turned it off years ago, once spent three years in orbit and I thought "oh hm.. turn off the HADS" BUT if the TARDIS is rebuilding itself then maybe it, clicked back on" Liv just ponders the information for a moment before saying "but that means we've landed in the middle of hostile action" "...yeah" "there's something on this ship that's so bad the TARDIS ran away?" "...yes" "then... We go and kick its arse!" Liv presses the button and opens the door again with sheer determination as I follow her. 

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