Episode 5: Flatline

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"Alright! Belgium!

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"Alright! Belgium!... ish" "ish? don't give me an ish" I look up at Liv then back at the monitor "these readings are very.. ishy" Liv just rolls her eyes and turns to the doors, all I hear next is "uhm.. Doctor" "uh huh?" I say back as I walk over to her and eventually look at the doors. My eyes widening in surprise upon seeing that they've... Shrunk? "well... That's new" I just say as I move over to the doors and open them, the two of us squeezing out of the shrunken doors. "Well I, I wonder what could've caused this... I don't think we're any bigger are we?" I just say as I begin to scan the TARDIS and the immediate area with the sonic "Bristol! Doctor we're in Bristol!" Liv says as I look over at a sign "Bristol... roughly 278 miles away from where we should be... Intriguing" "no not intriguing, annoying!" Liv protests "Doctor how am I gonna get home?" "Well your house isn't going anywhere, and, neither is mine until we sort this.. Can you not just let me enjoy this moment of not knowing something? I mean it happens so rarely" Liv rolls her eyes again and just says back "fine.." Before opening the door again "ah I wouldn't suggest that" "why not?" "Well for now it is just the exterior dimensions that have shrunk but.. Well we don't know if the same might happen on the inside so I don't want either of us going in there and possibly getting squished" "fair enough... So what do we do?" I just shrug and reply "have a look around? See if we can find anything that might have caused this?" Liv shrugs too and we walk off after I lock the TARDIS up..

We soon set to looking around the town, soon coming across a lad looking at a mural under a bridge, we approach him and I just say "hey, I'm John Smith with Scotland yard, could you tell us more about this mural?" I ask as I flash the psychic paper at him, Liv gives me a confused look before he says "uh yeah sure, I'm Riggsy by the way, the mural was done by some street artist I think.. I just like looking at it 'cause this is my Aunt" he says as he points at a painting of a woman in a yellow coat. "tell us more" I say again "well uhm, all the paintings are of people that have gone missing around town recently, I suppose it's sweet in a way.." "yes very sweet, well, thank you for your time" I smile slightly and walk off with Liv as we go grab some fish and chips. As we eat on a wall she asks me "so how are we gonna start looking into this?" "well, I've already accessed local police files, apparently a Mr Heath went missing yesterday and there's an officer at his house currently, fancy a look?" "sounds good" I smile a little as we finish our food and set off to the house.

"MI5?" the police officer asks me as I show her the psychic paper "yeah, this case has.. got our attention" "well you've come to the right place sir, owner of the house is a Mr Heath, he was last seen last Tuesday when he went out to the shop but was heard yesterday from a police dispatch caller that he rang, though at some point during the call the dispatcher heard him scream and then nothing else after that" "right well, that's very thorough thank you" she smiles a little and goes into the other room to answer a call "so what you thinking?" "hmm.. the TARDIS had some of its dimensional energy leeched and following THAT we find out that a good few people have gone missing around this area in strange circumstances, possibility one, they're in the walls" "you can't be serious" "oh yes I am" I smile and walk out the house and to the shed where I grab a hammer, promptly beginning to break open the wall "so what's possibility two?" Liv asks me. I chuckle and reply "they're creatures from another dimension, ones capable of existing in a two-dimensional state" "so why would they be nabbing people if that's the case?" "I dunno, dinner? dissection maybe? I imagine we'll find out soon enough anyway" I say as I continue to break the wall, before long we hear a scream from the other room. Upon rushing in we see.. nothing "PC Forest?" I call out as Liv picks up her torch "where did she go?" she asks me, before I can answer I notice a strange mural on the wall and scan it with the sonic "that's not a painting of a funky looking tree... that's her nervous system" "what?!" Liv exclaims at the revelation as I recall the "desert" we saw in the other room "oh and that wasn't a desert at all, it was a microscopic blow up of human skin!" "that's... disturbing, but why?" "well like I said, dissection" as soon as I say this a weird shape shifts along the wall that we both notice. "Doctor, what the hell was that?" "our two dimensional buddies, get up on this" I say as I quickly get up on a weird ball thing with cushions inside that's hanging from the ceiling, Liv doing the same "why are we on this?" "I don't know what happens if they touch us" and sure enough when the weird shape passes past the sofa in the room, it instantly flattens. Almost like a balloon deflating but becoming flat and its former self getting imprinted on the wall "ok so that's what happens, hold on tight" "why?" Liv asks but instead of answering I begin to swing the ball towards the window and whip out the sonic, making it come off the hinges and we fly through the window. 

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