Episode 3: The graveyard and the angels

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This story carries on from "Doctor Who: night shift" so please ensure you've read that before reading this!

The scene is a usual one, me and Liv inside the TARDIS as it volts through the vortex, and once again she decides to bring something to my attention "Doctor, do you remember that Danny lad? The one we rescued after he'd been displaced in time or s...

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The scene is a usual one, me and Liv inside the TARDIS as it volts through the vortex, and once again she decides to bring something to my attention "Doctor, do you remember that Danny lad? The one we rescued after he'd been displaced in time or something?" "yeah of course" I just say back. "Well I was thinkin' all that time ago when we went to the Library, with the weeping angels, you said they can do that to people, you don't suppose it was them do you?" "That the weeping angels displaced Danny in time? I mean.. It could've been but there's multiple things capable of doing such a thing like a temporal displacement device or something of the sort" "Well fair enough, but I reckon it's worth a look" "you do? Alright well, I don't know which graveyard he was working at so we'll just go find him, sound good?" "yeah sounds good" Liv affirms as I pull down the lever..

Before we know it Danny has ushered us out of his house after we asked him about what sent him to the past, the pair of us trudge back to the TARDIS to assess what he told us "Ok so... By the sounds of it, definitely the weeping angels AND we know the graveyard was on Cliff street so... Let's go?" "woah woah woah hang on Doctor!" Liv proclaims "the last time we met the angels we barely bloody escaped, how do we deal with em' this time? I mean, we don't even know if it's just the one or multiple of them" "ok.. Fair point, what do you suggest Belgian las?" "erm.. Honestly I don't know" I just stand there for a moment, hands on my hips in a perplexed state as I contemplate how to prepare for the weeping angels, the first time we had to go into the situation blind but this time we know how the work and know ahead of time that they're at the graveyard..

After a while of thinking of how to prepare I just say "alright I think I've got something, they can't move when they're being observed so the solution is fairly simple.. We need a mirror" "oh right, well I've got one" Liv says as she reaches into her bag and grabs a little mirror "perfect, that's all we need really... Shall we go to the crypt?" "crypt?" Liv just asks "more dramatic way of saying graveyard.. Loosely speaking" to which Liv just laughs and once again I pull down the lever..

Everything that happened next is all a bit of a blur, the last thing I remember is Liv tripping up and accidentally breaking the mirror and then the angel had free reign over us, the pair of us get up and groan a little "Doctor.. When and where are we?" Liv just asks as I regain my composure "No idea... This seems to happen a lot doesn't it?" "yeah and I'm getting a little sick of it" Liv just says back, a little sharply "oh.. Sorry" I just say. "It's not your fault, but how do get back Doctor? What do we do?" "We can do.. anything!" I say with a smile that she returns as I grab the sonic screwdriver "the angel just displaced us in time and going off the air I'd say we've been sent back to about... around 1983 ish" "you can tell what year it is just by smelling?" Liv asks, a little surprised "Liv I spend most of my free time galivanting about space and time do you really think I haven't picked up some skills along the way?" To which she chuckles as I summon the TARDIS and we're soon back on track to the present day and the graveyard..

"Doctor, how do we stop it? The mirror broke when I fell" "well, we know now that it's just the one so that makes it easier.. AHA!" I then exclaim, Liv, looking confused just goes "what?" "the angels LOVE time energy or potential energy, the TARDIS is full of it, yeah I know that's what we did back in the Library but I've honestly got nothing else" "alright well, let's do it" Liv just says back and with a smirk I pull down a lever and we land in that derelict graveyard...

Before long it's all over, Liv distracted the angel as I opened the heart of the TARDIS and the angel was quickly drawn to all the energy, soon vanishing without a trace... As me and Liv stand by the controls she just asks me "where to next Doctor.." "I dunno.. know any haunted houses?" To which she just smirks and I pull down the lever once more...

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