chapter 8

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Vector decided to put away his things for now and allow Jane to come inside. "Welcome, welcome, welcome!"

Jane came in, kicking her shoes off. She then ran over to him. Her shoes landed neatly though.

"Welcome back, so nice to see you again." Vector held his arm around her.

Jane gave him a hug. "I can't stay with Gru... He won't let me see you at all." she says softly.

Vector let the name slide, but was very calm around the girl. "It's alright, Jane... We all meet big, bad ugly people in this world, but they mean nothing to us when we only remember them when not around them as much..."

"C-Can I stay with you?" She asks, quietly.

"Stay? Like for the night?" Vector looked at her, curious, but not horribly surprised by her question.

"Until we can sort everything out so I can see you." she says softly.

"Stay as long as you need to, it'll be nice to have a girl around." Vector smiled at her, then looked at the time. "Ooh, I better get ready!"

Jane looked at him. She smiled gratefully.

"Wait right here." Vector told her, then went inside to get his supplies for his appointment.

Jane waited.

Vector grabbed his item that seemed to be like a weapon and came out to meet Jane and take her to his appointment at the bank. "Come along now, dear."

Jane nodded and took his hand as they walked.

Vector walked along, making sure they would get there okay. They walked in and he made for the receptionist desk. "Tell the boss that his son is here to see him."

"Right away, sir." the receptionist says.

Jane glanced around. Vector waited to be buzzed in and found a magazine. He gave it to Jane to probably read while he would meet with his father.

"Send him in." Vector's father said on the other end, revealing to be Mr. Perkins.

The receptionist sent Vector in. Jane read the magazine. Vector waved to Jane before going in and went to talk with the boss who was his father. Jane smiled, waving back. Vector had personal time with his father/boss as Jane read the magazine.

Patty decided the girls should practice their dance while she was about to order a for their dinner since they already ate lunch. Jane read the magazine. Margo and the girls were practicing. A couple of the Minions copied the girls, curious of their 'ritual'.

"Patty, don't look!" Agnes gasped.

The teenager laughed a bit. "Alright, alright..."

Margo watched the Minions go by in surprise.

"Remember, after you're done, I'll wash your tutus." Patty told her sisters, looking away, she guessed she would have to wait until the big dance to watch them preform.

One of the Minions hit the other. The girls laughed. Patty smiled and heard the doorbell. A minion went to get it for her and opened the door in surprise. Patty heard the minion and left her sisters for a moment to get the door.

"Pizza already?" Agnes sounded surprised.

Margo looked.

It actually wasn't, but Patty led the woman in. "Girls, would you like to meet our grandmother?"

Agnes sounded very thrilled and rushed to meet the woman, but she was hiding until the girls were ready for her. Margo looked at her, smiling. Gru was busy a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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