chapter 2

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The next morning Jane got up and changed into the clothes again, the other set of clothes that had been given her were getting cleaned. She went downstairs to do her first chores of the day and helped make breakfast, trying her hardest to make it edible for everyone. Patty woke up from her bedroom and wiped her eyes. Her eyeliner had run a little from her sleep and that she was crying herself to sleep again. She quickly wiped off the makeup so no one would know she had been crying and went to start her morning like the others. Agnes had clutched her unicorn doll and Margo was slowly waking up first as the sun highlighted over her glasses on her nightstand. Edith was still asleep, even in the terrible conditions she could sleep well. Jane soon had the breakfast made and started to hand out the bowls to the ones awake, making sure it would be warm for everyone.

Patty went to wake up her younger sisters. "Wakey, wakey..." she droned.

Agnes was still cuddling with her little prized doll.

Margo yawned and got out of the bed fully. "Okay, okay... Come on, guys..." she told Edith and Agnes.

Edith groaned but got up. "Fine..." she mutters and got dressed, half asleep.

Margo gently shook Agnes awake. "Come on, Aggie..."

Agnes mumbled, but woke up and walked nearly like a zombie. Patty lightly smirked at the girls and walked with them to get them freshened up for the day and to eat breakfast like the others. Edith washed up with the others and then headed downstairs to join everyone for breakfast.

Jane offered them all weak smiles as she gave them their food. "It's still warm and I've given you slightly more than everyone else as we'll have ta work hard." she said quietly to the trio and the elder girl.

"We'll need our strength and energy, won't we?" Patty added.

The girls sat in their spots and went to get their quick breakfast before another cookie sale. Edith looked disgusted at the porridge but it was better than nothing, and it was better tasting than whenever the cook did it.

Jane had herself a bowl once everyone else was served. She had a smaller portion as she didn't have a big appetite. Agnes picked at some of her breakfast, but ate it. Margo ate some as well. Patty was eating a little slowly. The other girls had left the room, having finished and had to wash their dishes as they were done no matter how old they were. Edith ate it quickly so she didn't taste it.

Jane finished hers and even though she wanted to help out everyone she couldn't wash all the dishes, it was a 'rule' that everyone had to do their own dish. Patty made sure the younger girls got their dishes done. She saw it was another sunny day and sighed. Something about sunny days didn't bring her happiness, a lot of people thought it was because she was Emo. She found the wagon Miss Hattie had brought in for them with cookie boxes for them to sell. When Margo came, Patty handed her the clipboard.

"Everyone ready?" Patty asked the younger girls and Jane.

"Yeah..." Edith said, in a dull tone.

Jane nodded. "Yes..." she agreed. Today her hair was tied into a ponytail to keep it out-of-the-way so it wouldn't bother them while they were 'working'.

Meanwhile a bald, tall man with a long, pointy nose was brooding over how to get this thing he wanted to complete his plan.

"Let's just get it over with, come on." Patty told her sisters as she slipped on a pair of sunglasses and took out a hooded sweatshirt.

"Won't you get hot in that, Patty?" Agnes pointed to the jacket.

"I don't burn, Aggie, I simmer..." Patty droned, looking mysterious.

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