Chapter 1 : Dottie

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Standing here in this room I question myself. Is it too soon, am I ready or am I blinded by love? I try to push these thoughts deep away and focus with what's in front of me. Today is the day I am going to get married to my Prince Charming. Arthur.

I remember the first day we met, though it seems like it was yesterday, five years have passed. From our first kiss down by the lake to when he proposed 2 months ago on my 28th birthday. On many apps and websites I had saw about golden birthdays and how they bring you much luck. I always swiped away thinking none of it until mine came and that's when Arthur gave me the news of asking me to be his wife. I never believed in magic when it comes to luck or love but maybe it is there and Arthur opened my eyes to see it.

The floorboards beneath me don't make a sound, the wind doesn't howl but sings and the birds in the trees have the voices of angels, all of my dreams are becoming real. The sun is shining through the open window and there are no clouds in the sky. Since being with Arthur my luck has changed.

This place that I'm in was Arthur's idea. It took us a while to find a place that suited both of our needs. There's ivy growing on the walls, smothering the bricks with their piecing vines trying to reach the roof. There's a fountain in front pumping a clear, light blue water creating a magical experience.

A blue colour covers the sky like an ocean. There are no clouds in the sky, no planes or towering building just the vast open sky. Trees has sprouted in many areas and there green and orange leaves create that summer feeling in the air of  August.

My dress is hanging there on the wardrobe. The dress that was me was standing there in front of me. The delicate lace  shimmers in the sunlight as it hangs against the wardrobe. I walk over to the wooden cupboard and reach for it. As I step into my dress, the cold material against my skin makes me shiver. Is this excitement I feel or nerves?

I brush my brunette hair to soften it. It feels like caramel through my fingers. I leave it loose as I know that's what Arthur prefers.

As I sit staring at myself in the mirror I brush on my foundation and sweep blusher across my cheeks. I then add the perfume that Arthur gave me for my 28th birthday.

I slip on my silver, sparkly heels and I feel like Cinderella. My glass slipper fits perfectly as I go to meet my prince. I grab my purse and my bouquet then I make my way to the door.

Opening the door, I start to walk down the hallway. I don't believe in superstitions and neither does Arthur so there is no point in worrying about this bad luck when you see the bride early. Yet there is something going on that shouldn't, I just can't figure it out.

Briana has been quite suspicious lately from deciding to wear a white dress to delaying the wedding cake to next week. Today is the day I shall confront her on why she has done these things.

Each stride I take, each room I pass, I get closer to finding out the truth. I'm not having this day ruined. I stand in front of the door about to enter before I stop in my tracks and my blood goes cold. There's a noise coming from the room, a familiar voice yet not hers. The voice seems angry yet still calm. Reaching for the handle I have a sickening thought. Oh god please don't let this be true. I twist the handle and enter. I can't believe my eyes. I drop my purse.

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