Chapter 7 : Louise

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It's been one week since the murder of Arthur O'Malley, Ben O'Malley, Poppy O'Malley, Jake Donovan and Noah De Conto. Six murders in a single day. Whoever did this is a monster. Whoever did this had something against either this marriage or the person. Whoever did this knew what they were doing and left no trails or clues for us. Whoever did this ..... I get lost in a trail of thought, as I keep pacing around my office, before I spot a familiar pair of shoes.

"Edward! What are you doing here?" I ask in a daze.
"I came to see how you are doing and by the looks of not so well. How much sleep have you got?"
"Not much. It's hard to sleep when there could be a murderer on the loose." Edward then gives me this look. It's a look of disapproval. He always gives me the look when he doesn't agree with me. As he is two years older then me he thinks he can act like my parent and boss me around. Which is true as he is my boss but that doesn't matter.
"Don't give me that look." I say rolling my eyes.
"What look? I'm not give you any look." he replies giving me the look.

"Stop. Anyway look at this." I point to the evidence board. "It's almost empty.This is not like any of my other cases. The only things we know is the victims name, what they were killed with and where. That's not enough. We have no leads or anything."
"I may be able to help." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bottle and brings his hand from his back to show a folder.
"What's this?"
He hands me the bottle and folder and watches me as I open it up. Inside is a photo of Arthur. Next to him is a photo of his blood cells compared to another set of cells. There both different.
"What? What is this?" I say still reading through the folder.
"In Arthur's blood, there seemed to be traces of tetrodotoxin. It was injected in his neck and paralysed him making him unable to move away from the knife."
"But isn't tetrodotoxin illegal?"
"It is. It's poisonous and harmful to the person that takes it."

"This is horrible and yet brilliant at the same times. We finally have a clue about the killer. It may only be small but it's a start." I pin the information from the folder onto the evidence board.
"We're closing the case."

"What, no. They can't we finally have a clue."
"It's too late, I'm afraid they have already decided."
"Then why give me this if the case is closed."
"Because I don't think they should close the case. I've given you this as I think you should handle this case and find out who has killed these people. The only thing you need to remember is that the board has closed the case so the only people that will help is me."
"Got it."

The phone on my desk starts to ring. I go over and answer.
"Hello?" someone says in a shaky voice.
"Hello there, this is Louise speaking. What can I help you with?"
"Someone's been killed." they say with a sob.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at Bonesbury Drive, house number 2800."

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