Chapter 3 : Dottie

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They turn to look at me. Fear is on his face. I then look at her and she just stands there smirking. My eyes start to become blurry and I can feel my lip start to quiver. I turn to head for the door and leave. Tears falling down my cheeks as I walk back down the hallway. To think after all this time he never loved me and was just using me. I'm so stupid.

I look back and see Arthur running towards me. He is calling me. I don't want to hear it. I quicken my pace and start to head to the lift. I get in and I see his face again. There is pain and guilt in his eyes but that doesn't matter. I let the doors close and press the ground floor button. The doors open again and I'm at the bottom. I stand questioning whether to go back to where he is but I can't. My body won't move. It's like my brain is saying yes but my heart says no. I then hear shoes coming down the stairs before I catch a glimpse of him.

I need to be alone. I need to be somewhere quiet. Opening the double doors I rush down the steps before noticing I am still holding my bouquet. I drop it on the ground and head off to find someplace where I can be alone with my thoughts.

I turn and see Arthur by the doors. He stands there then picks up the flowers and goes back inside. What have I done to deserve this.

Something shimmers in between some trees and I head towards it. There is a little pond sitting in front of me. I find a bench and sit down. The pond is full of wildlife and animals. There are two ducks, two birds, and two frogs. There is two just like me and Arthur but now there is one. I look down and put my palms on my face. Why.

It then hits me. After all this time I was just blinded by love. I lift my head up and close my eyes. All the parties, all the dates, were they all fake? Was he just leading me on just to get with Briana. What if I had just stayed in my room, what if I didn't come into work that day and meet him, what if ..... I drown myself in what ifs before I can't think of anymore possibilities where we never happened or I never saw what u saw.

I wipe away my tears and pick myself back up. I'm going to go back to my apartment and then forget about today and Arthur. After what he has done I will never forgive him.

Grabbing my suitcase I  start to pack my things up and place them in my bag. My clothes, my toiletries, my makeup and my fragrance all gone. I start to head for the lift before I remember I left my purse in front of Briana's door. Normally I would leave it there but it's my mothers and that is something that i like to hold very dearly to me. I don't want to go back there but I need that purse.

I head back to her room to grab my purse. It's hard to believe that just one hour ago I was heading to confront Briana about my suspicions. I get to the room once again and see my purse on the table. Picking it up I check to see if I have not lost anything. My lipstick, check, my keys, check, my money, check and then I see a small piece of paper with my name on.

I take it out and see that one side is Arthur's wedding vows the other looks like a small letter.
"Dear Dottie,
I know I've done some bad things in life but what you saw me doing today was the worst of them all. Words cannot express how bad I feel so I would like to meet you in the hall where I can tell you how much you mean to me.
Love Arthur"

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