Chapter 2 : Arthur

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Standing here in my room I think about what is to come. Soon I shall be getting married to my Princess and I shall become the Prince Charming. The windows are open and the curtains wave in the warm summer breeze. The wooden floorboards are cold and soft; they remind me of mine and Dottie's house together.

My black suit is hanging from the wardrobe just waiting to be worn. I open up the cupboard to pull out my white shirt. I slip it on and the cold fabric sends a shiver down my spine. Unzipping the bag that held my suit, I take out the black trousers, put them on then  wrap my fathers belt around them. Grabbing the bow tie I go to the bathroom, lift my collar up then I wrap it around my neck before tying it up. I follow the method my dad taught me many years ago and just think how many times he is going to cry today. I chuckle and leave the bathroom and go back to the suit. I take the blazer out of the packaging and slip it on making sure I button up the buttons.

I grab the comb out from my bag and head over to the desk. I run the comb through my blonde, messy hair but make sure to have a few strands landing on my forehead as I know Dottie  loves to fiddle with them and she says it makes me, me. I think that's a bit to excessive but Dottie likes it so i'm not complaining. I dye my hair many times and it's normally around this time I would dye it again but my wife to be prefers me blonde so blonde it is.

I add the cologne Dottie got me for my 30th birthday, then add my grandfathers watch that he gave me when I was younger before he passed.

I'm holding the box with Dottie's ring in. I keep it close to me then place it on the table. I pace around the room before going to the corner where my suit hung. I then turn to the looking glass. Looking into the mirror I see a monster looking back at me. It doesn't scare me but instead makes me realise. I have become the monster that I have always been afraid of, the villain that locks away the princess , the villain that destroys everything and everyone. What have I done. Tears start to stream down my face. I try to wipe the tears away in hopes to not make my eyes go red and puffy. I never cry, never, but this, this new feeling has done it. The feeling of guilt has made the monster see the reality of what he has done

I open the door and head to her room. I need to talk to her. This can't go on any longer she needs to know the truth. Her room is not too far from mine so it does not take long to arrive. I knock on the door and she is there standing in front of me. Briana

The girl I thought I was in love with stands before my eyes. She's in a white floral dress with her hair tied back into a plaited bun.
"Can I come in?" I ask. "We need to talk."
"With what?" She replies with a puzzled look on her face.
"It's about what me and you have been doing for the past few months. I just can't take it anymore. All of this has turned me into a monster." I say trying to keep a straight face.
"All of this? All of this is for us so let me handle it. If your worried she will find out so what, I'll just lie like I normally do. She will fall for it like she does every time and we can keep on living in our fantasy." She says almost with anger.
"But that's the thing," I say. "It's a fantasy. All fantasy get ruined, destroyed or ended just like this.."
"No." she snaps, cutting me off. "I won't let you ruin what I have built. All the lies I have told have become stepping stones and I am not letting you sink them." The anger in her voice becomes louder.

She grabs me by the shoulders and shoves me into a wall.
"What are you doing. Get your hands of me!" I exclaim.
She then pushes her body onto mine and starts to kiss me.
"No...sto... please.....get off me..!"

I finally get Briana of me and just when I'm about to head to the door I see her. Tears start forming in her eyes and her bottom lip starts to quiver. She turns around and starts to leave. I look at her then back at Briana she is just standing there with a smirk on her face. I leave Briana and chase after her. "Dottie come back...please."

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