Chapter 9 : Dottie

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I leave Briana's place and head to my flat. I'm going to give Briana a gift. It pains me to give this away as I thought I was the one for Arthur but what happened a week ago proved me wrong. The necklace that Arthur gave me no longer gives me comfort knowing what had happened. I think Brian will find this gift more fitting then I do now.

I head into the reception and go up the lift. Unlocking my door, I head and pick up the box containing the moon shaped necklace which states 'I love you to the moon and back'. I put it in my bag and head back to Briana's house ready to give her this  present.

Walking back I see something from the lamp outside. I think nothing of it at first, merely assuming it was an electrician. Moving closer I make out a body. It's just hanging there, swaying in the wind. It makes me feel sick to my stomach and yet I rush towards it, my body moving on its own. I then see who it is. I drop my bag in fear and disgust. Briana.

I process what I just saw and call the police immediately.
"Hello?", I say shakily.
"Hello there, this is Louise speaking. What can I help you with?"
"Someone's been killed." I say starting to cry.
"Where are you?"
"Bonesbury Drive, house number 2800"
"Stay right there we will be there soon."
They hang up and I go to sit on Briana's stairs. I put my face in my hands and let the tears fall down my face once again. Am I next. Is the killer after me.

Just then three cars and an ambulance appear in front of me. Edward and Louise step out of one of the cars and walk towards me. Paramedics walk over to the lamp and take down Briana, placing her body into a dark, blue bag. They place her in the back of the ambulance and say something to Louise.

Edwards sits down next to me and hands me a tissue. I wipe my eyes and turn to face Edward. 
"I know you don't want to talk about it but I need you to tell me everything that has happened here."
"I'm not really sure, I went back to my apartment to get Briana something", I say bringing out the necklace from my bag. "Then on my way back I found her hanging from the light. I don't think she did this to herself. She explained what happened at the wedding and wanted to make amends with me. I think there is a killer and I'm now worried that I'm next."
"It's okay, me and the rest of the force won't let that happen."
"Thanks." , I say with a smile.
I watch as Louise speaks to one of the paramedics and then unzips the bag to look at Briana. Her expression does not change.

I turn back to Edward.
"What should I do know?"
"Head back home and lock all of your doors and windows. Don't let anyone in unless it's me or Louise. For you to know we will knock three times. I will be in touch with you soon."
"Thank you Edward. I look forward to finding out who has done this."
I get up from the stairs and say my goodbyes to Edward and Louise. I head back to my apartment where I shall stay until I know it's safe.

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