Chapter 10 : Louise

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After speaking with the paramedics I head over to Edward for the explanation of what happened.
"So, what did she tell you?"
"She said that the victim had explained what they did at the wedding and wanted to make amends. She finally realised and went back to her home to give them a gift. On the way back she found Briana here."
"Not much then. Who would have done this? There has to be something deeper than what we already know. What is the motive?" I say watching the ambulance drive off to the morgue. "Don't you think it's a bit strange?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, every person that has been found dead in the last week has a relationship with Dottie. Arthur being her fiancé, Noah being Arthurs best man, Jake being Dottie's cousin, Poppy and Ben being Arthurs Aunt and Uncle and now Briana who was Dottie's friend. Is Dottie the next person or is she the one we are after?"
"It could just be a coincidence besides we can't do anything about it for now. There is no evidence. Until we get the autopsy about Briana we are clueless."

"You're right."
"I'm going to head back to the office to file the report are you coming?"
"In a bit I'm just going to have a look around the house to see if there are any clues."
"If you spot anything give me a call."
"Got it. See you later alligator."
"In a while crocodile." he says stepping into the car we came in.
As I watch him drive off, I head into the house for one more look. Nothing inside. I walk outside and see a flipped chair and something shining in the grass. Squatting down I notice it's a needle. There is blood on it and a small amount of clear liquid. Picking it up I notice a label on the side stating
Extremely toxic
Do not ingest
Whatever was used to kill Briana was also used to kill Arthur. Putting the needle into my bag as evidence I head back outside. My best bet on finding out who has done this is Dottie. She will know if the victims ever possessed this toxin.

I find myself outside a block of flats with Dottie's  being one of them. I walk into reception and ask which floor has door 54 on. I take the lift up to floor six and step out to see a row of doors. I find door 54 and knock three times just like what Edward told me to do. No one answers. This is stupid. I knock three times again, louder and with more force. I then get a nauseating thought. Has the killer already got Dottie? I knock again still receiving the same answer. Nothing. I twist the handle to get through and it opens. Nothing is stopping me from coming into the room.

I walk into the dark, cold room to find complete silence, no one has gotten in. I check the rooms and find Dottie asleep in her bed. I exhale. She's still alive. Not wanting to wake her I head back out and walk back to the door. My questions and theories can wait. Just as I'm heading to the door I notice a small box on the table. I head over to it and read the label on the side.
There is three missing. I step back in fear. Just then I hear the floorboards creek behind me. I turn ready to make it a struggle for whoever I'm about to face. It's just Dottie. I breathe again.
"Jesus Christ you scared me."
"Wha...What are you doing here?"
"I found something back at Briana's place and wanted to ask you a question or two but I now realise it's not the best time."
"It's fine, with what's been happening I don't think it's ever a bad time. What did you want to ask me?"

"Did Briana or Arthur ever possess any illegal substances?"
"Briana used to be addicted to heroin in the past but was able to get over it. Why'd you ask?"
"We think that when Arthur was killed he was injected with something that poisoned and paralysed him. We received an autopsy result for him and found that he had something called tetrodotoxin in his bloodstream.  We think the same for Briana. I also happened to find a needle that had contained tetrodotoxin in her garden."
"Oh god. That's horrible."
"It is. Tetrodotoxin is illegal in this country and in many others. You said that Briana had a history with illegal drugs. Did she ever tell you where she got them from?"
"She didn't, no. Briana was a very secretive person I was lucky enough to find out about her addiction."

"Alright thanks for telling me. I'll make sure the department know about this. Thanks Dottie, have a nice evening." I say walking to the door.
"Wait. Wont you need this?" she says holding up my radio. How did she? Never mind. I head back over to her before she pulls me close. Before I can even react I feel a sharp pain in my neck as if something has been forced into it. I breakaway and see one of the needles in her hand.

"No. No. No. No. NO!" I shout collapsing onto the floor. The effects of the drug beginning. "It was you. You were the one that killed them." I say through gritted teeth. "It's always been you."
"You finally figured it out. Well done. I have to admit it took you long enough." she says with a smile on her face.
"But, why?"
"It's really simple actually. After finding out about Arthur and Briana I knew I needed to get my revenge. All I had to do was start a scene in the hall that would get everyone out. Once it was just Arthur I would strike him down. Though it didn't quite work. Some people stayed and after killing his Aunt it was quite fun. I then bumped into Noah and Jake. Goodbye. I met his Uncle Ben. Nice fella, too depressed. Eventually I found him. Puny man didn't know what he was getting himself into. The last piece of the jigsaw was to come rushing out in tears stating I found his body."
"What about Briana?"
"Briana was the one that made him cheat. She deserved to go. The world could lose one Briana." she replies walking over to the kitchen.

"So, what are you doing to do with me? Are you going to torture me? Leave me to die?"
"I would love to torture you day and night but it won't give me as much pleasure and with what you know I can't let you free or just leave you. It's such a shame, you were a really good detective. Maybe in another life we could become friends. It was lovely to meet you Louise."
She then lifts the knife up above her head ready to strike.
"Goodbye Louise Harrison."

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