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•First Chapter•
The small wooden room was filled with Silence and only the exhaling of the two men who sat not so far across each could be heard. The two hadn't spoken a word and neither initiated on starting a conversation. They only stared at each other with icy stares and tense looks on them with both their hands holding vastly onto the small wooden table.
Cold chill aroma filled the air and neither of the men seemed to care or to shiver.

A loud sigh filled the room and one of the two men gestured to the other men to drink from one of the silver cups that twinkled in the illuminating light.That came from a bright bulb that laid in the midst of the two. In the cup came a strong aroma of liquor that filled their nostrils, without exchanging a word the man grabbed the cup and drank a sip.

The other man gulped his down so fast as if he hadn't had a beer in years. He turned to look at the one of the two men that stood behind him with their swords stripped onto their armors. The troop nodded his head and headed to open a small wooden door which made a screeching sound the moment he opened it.

"I come sit before you and beg for peace and harmony for my Kingdom," The other man spoke with pleading eyes and a strong tone.
The man across him then sat in a much more relaxed posture with his arms folded across his chest. He dared not say a word and silence fell again upon them. Suddenly he busted into a very loud roar of laughter and stared at his other guard on his left side who then joined him in laughter.

"Travelled 600 miles just to utter such nonsense. Come on drink your booze!" He spoke with a loud voice and the door burst opened there the troop walked in with a large silver bottle and poured liquor into the empty cup. He gestured to the other man to pour him some but he moved his head sideways in disapproval.
"Reagan, I beg... ," The poor man was interrupted by a loud voice.
"That's King Reagan to you. You are in my Kingdom. If you want peace then marry off your oldest daughter to my son." He spoke as he glanced over to a man covered in amor from head to tore.

He then removed his helmet and there a man with a very strong jaw and brown beard grinned at him revealing his white teeth he wasn't unappealing neither average. To make him seem better he had a bun tied at the back of his head and at the sides his hair was shaved off and only a little was left.

Desperately the man got onto his two knees with his hands clutching onto the leather part of his armor and began his pleads.

King Reagan then sighed out loud and glanced again at his son before rolling his eyes and smirking. He got on his feet and bent towards the man and gazed into his desperate brown eyes.
"Make a wise choice. Your words against mine," spoke in a low tone with a grin on him. "Another beer, perhaps do you mind telling the secrets between you and your late dearest wife Lili."

Gerald hoped back up on his two feet-he felt his blood boil from those words. He had managed to avoid that particular question for years and years and now it has come to haunt him back. His adrenalin rushed through his veins and at any moment he would pounce on him. He clenched his fists tightly that you could hear them. He stared with pure anger mixed with hatred at him. He then turned to leave but something stopped him at the moment. The sound of a metallic sword being removed from its metallic cover.
Glaring at King Reagan he sat himself once again at the small table and gulped down the booze in the silver cup.

The door once again screeched and King Gerald walked out in disappointment filled with anger.He stared at the dark colour which seems to have spread across the sky and thousands and thousands of twinkling stars winked at him. A cool chill whirling wind blew from the north to the south. He lifted his head high, with his eyes closed and inhaled the fresh aroma. He wished for the situation to not worsen but reality hit him like a ton of rocks nothing was better, nothing was good, nothing was working well.

"Rest assure your Highness, everything will be well." Spoke one of his trusted ,loyal men.
He hoped on his black horse and sat on a brown saddle. He grabbed the reins which were attached to the outer ends of his horse and commanded it.
Few of his troops he had brought with him followed from behind.

They had a long journey ahead of them.

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