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||Chapter 5||
"The plan is almost set.Only left to do is to strike."

"Let's make it quick before he returns." The two men exchanged words.


A slim figure dressed in a black cloak and hood took a few steps forward and pointed her arrow at the pitch black sky.
For a moment the figure stood there as it inhaled and exhaled to clear its cloudy mind which only thought of unnecessary thoughts. Most were negative thoughts screaming inside of her. The figure could clearly make out the clear sound of her heart thumping louder than ever at a faster pace. A salt clear liquid began to form on her forehead, but it didn't bother to wipe the liquid of its forehead.

Howling cold wind blew in the figure's face and it inhaled deeply before releasing the arrow.

In seconds the arrow had vanished before their eyes and only heard a thudding sound hitting against something strong.
Tiny, thousands of golden particles formed in air and vanquished quickly within seconds.

The figure steadily turned to look at a man who stood a few feet away from it.

"A barrier. My dark powers will not be of any good use," a soft spoken voice uttered.

"Good. At least we have a few mages. That will be enough," a rough husky voice spoke.

"Let's put this town to sleep. HIYAH," the man spoke and pulled the reins which were attached to the sides of his horse.

Hundreds of heavily silvered armored horse men marched down the mountain. There was no glint of their silver wear twinkling in the night or rather say the moon hide behind thick grey clouds.

That night the moon had hidden behind thick grey clouds and complete darkness took over. Only deam yellow lamps they held tightly in their hands was their source of light.
More wind rushed on their faces as their horses sprinted through the large forest. The sound of metallic swords clinging against their armor replaced the dead silent of the forest.

These were monsters
Not humans.
Their eyes lusted on blood.
It warmed their
Stone cold hearts.
It was their one and only desire.
Nothing more satisfied these monsters.

Hearts as cold as ice.
Hearts made of stone.
Eyes which only see red.
Smiles like a creepy creature.
Cries of poor souls,
Begging for help
Only encouraged them more.

A few troops that patrolled at the far end of the forest heard the metallic sounds of metal clinging against each other.
Their hearts raced faster than ever as if they would hope out of their chests.
Their breaths quickened and sweat began to drip down to their chin.

"INVADERS!" A troop yelled with a loud clear voice and made sure the others heard him.

"INVADERS!" This time the same troop yelled again for the other troops that stood inside a gigantic wooden bell house.-with no time to waste. The troop reached out his right hand to pull the rope that hung loosely from a large gigantic golden bell.
In seconds he was screaming at the top of his lungs as he felt excruciating pain from his hand. A warm thick liquid quickly dripped down on his hand on to his silver wear.

An arrow had pierced deep into his flesh and a tint of the sharp part of the arrow could be seen through. He crouched down to squeeze his hand and try to stop his blood from dripping the pain. Nothing worked.

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