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•Chapter 4•
Winds of chain howled as they blew in one direction from the east side to the west side of the town.
No folks were out yet nor the shopkeepers that casually opened their shops before anyone else. The chirping birds were quietly snoozing in their nests.

Only the sound of metallic cups hitting the ground hard made noise for the nearby neighbors and the yells of voices at the top of the lungs quickly woke up the neighbors.

"KEEP IT DOWN!" One neighbor yelled with her head popping out through her bedroom window.

The silence was overpowered by the hundreds of yells and havoc-each household was preparing their young youths to get to the training yard as quickly as possible before dawn.

A few of the young youths had no home to return to or rather they found it troubling, traveling miles and miles to their homestead. So instead they stayed at the hostels provided: a small room with a single bed, a small desk and a small window.

The moment an orange-yellow like shade began to spread across the sky. The stars that winked at the townsfolk people were no more as they were replaced by the huge, gigantic sun that shone bright. The chirping birds began to chirping and soon enough the townsfolk people were already doing their daily activities.

The young youths were already gathered at the yard waiting for their instructor's instructions.

"I see hundreds and hundreds of you standing before me." He spoke with a loud voice that even those at the far end of the line could clearly make out the words that were being spoken.

"A few will be standing in front of The King with their swords held tightly." He spoke as he turned to face Leo who stood not so far from him.

"Some will be in The King's Legion as one of his far greatest of the greatest people to ever step foot on the grounds of earth." He spoke.

"Some will be warriors." He spoke slowly.

"Lastly Some will not be the chosen one for this particular work."

"In today's training. We will be training your physical ability. You know the training. I have brought a few of my comrades. They will be keeping a good eye on you." He spoke as he turned to look at the six men who stood behind him with swords clinging onto their waists.

"Start." He spoke.

The young youths quickly sprinted towards the gates. They were to go to the far, far end of the town. Of course not beyond the borders or the gates. It was an unsafe place for unskilled people to venture round off to.

Each one of them knew they hard to thrive to be one of the best. There was no average only the word "best" was used to describe them. Each wished to take part of this and they will show it by finding their place.

At this time the sun's rays struck the ground sending extreme scorching heat on the earth. The big red ball of fire seemed to be beaming brighter than before in the clear blue sky. Warm wind blew from all directions. Adding more heat to the already sweating youths.

"Huff." They all exhaled loudly as they jogged down a narrow pathway surrounded with greenery vegetation. A few of large leaves hung in the air and they were easily swayed away by the jogging pupils. A few trees had sharp, pointy thorns which weren't easily avoided by a few young troops that seemed to be of less physical than the others.

"Tired? Pfff," One of the older boys spoke and chuckled at one of the young pupils that seemed to be much less physical than him.

"No... ... not." The boy replied as he took breaths in between.

"Okay boy." The older guy replied and quickly checked his surroundings with a cheeky grin on him.

The others were not in sight and not too far from them. He placed his left leg in between the young boy's legs and he fell down with a thud. As he had tripped over it.
He cried out in pain while on the ground as he held his knee that dripped down a thick, crimson red liquid. Tears quickly rolled down his soft cheeks as he winced from the pain.

"My knee!" He cried out and the others that were behind stopped and gathered round him. This attracted the attention of one of the troops that were behind and he quickly came to him.

"Hahaha!" He chuckled out loudly." Boy just a small injury. I have had far much worse than this and a true warrior never shed tears." He spoke and knelt down besides him. He removed a small green bottle that was inside a brown leathered bag he wore that hung on his waist. He poured a small potion onto the cloth and softly rubbed a bit on the boy's knee. The small green potion felt cool on his knee and he boy winced a bit. A white soft cloth was then wrapped round his knee.

"Get up boy!" The troop spoke in his manly voice.

The boy's arm rose and pointed at the older guy who had pushed him.

"Him. Hadrian tripped me sire." Hadrian's eyes widened as if they would pop out their sockets. His mouth opened wide as he stared at the boy in a flabbergasted manner.

"Sire. He ought to tell the truth. He stumbled and fell on his own. Can't you see the boy seems exhausted from all this running?" He spoke in defense.

The troop then took turns to glance at the two young men.

"Silence! I ought to hear your excuses!" He yelled as he over powered both of their voice.

"You both and including everyone in this training will pay the price."

Everyone surrounding them growned and frowned before glaring at the two.

Time seemed to be moving at a steady pace for the hard working young troops. The troops had a bit of warmth in their stone cold hearts and let the exhausted young youths take a break near a small stream.

The crystal , clear, cool water flowed calmly down a stream and the reflection of the sun could be seen. A few of the pupils had hoped in and to cool off their already hot skin.

"Splash!" A loud splash was heard and there a boy cried out as he moved his arms up and down trying to keep himself floating.

"I got you." Leo spoke as he brought the young troop to the surface. The boy spat out bits of water that had gotten in his mouth before he coughed. There Hadrian stood leaning against a tree with a cheeky smirk on him.

"Thank You. Someone shoved me." The boy spoke he was a small weak boy different from the one earlier.

"Prince Leon is so handsome and generous." One of the three girls spoke who stood underneath a tree that sheltered them from the heat.

"I heard a girl has captured his heart." The second girl spoke.

"No. I always dreamed of being with him before bed."

"Non of these boys are appealing and pleasant to the eye. Except for Hadrian."

"No a few are pleasing just are weak and not strong as Leon."

Soon enough the young youths were now standing at the grounds of their training yard. Silent like the night. Once again the darkness chased away the light. This time it wasn't a clear sky. The crescent bright moon hide behind the gray clouds and the darkness became stronger as there was no sign of light from the sky or anywhere nearby.

"As of your punishment will be served tomorrow."

Not a single smile or grin appeared on them even though they couldn't contain the excitement they felt inside them and hurriedly they were off to their homes.

"The plan is almost set. Only left to do is to strike."

"Let's make it quick before he returns." The two men exchanged words.

☆This chapter was bit longer than the others. Some chapters will be much more longer or shorter depending with the ideas.☆

♡♡Thank you for reading my story♡♡

•°Each and everything here is fictional°•

《《 Next Chapter. Chapter 5》》

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