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Tell me your deepest and darkest secret.•

Behind the small bookshelf filled with hundreds of various books and their tales that differed from book to book- was a secret passage. There behind were two huge gigantic walls ravishingly curved outwards, with no signs or writings stood before her. Only the soft glow of the chandelier was welcoming to her as she took her steps.

"Tip Tap"

The sound of her shoes made as she stepped on the dusty pathway.

Surprisingly the aura of the passage was warm, perhaps it was due to the chandeliers that also generated warmth. As she continued to walk along the pathway her soft, hands touched the castle walls as her eyes scanned each and everything that was in front of her.

Soon enough she found herself standing in front of a small, wooden door that looked as if it was a centuries old. The sides of the door were a lighter shade than the middle part. Staring at the door it had multiple scratches and a few cracks. She gently twisted the door nob until she had a clicking sound. She used all her might to push the heavy door open and squeezed herself inside.

There she stepped inside and was mesmerized by the view. Towering and towering of bookshelves stood, stretching further and further along with the darkness. A cold aura embraced her- along with a mixed scent of freshly new books and old parchment of books that must have been centuries old carrying history of eons and eons ago. A few dust particles danced in the deam, yellow light.

She found herself staring at a round oak table that was just a few meters away from the door she walked in through. As she sauntered closer to the table there she could see multiple of papers scattered around the table with a black pen on top a few papers. A small lamp hung on a wall near the table sending a soft, yellow glow light and from it she could clearly read the words on the papers.

Laurissa Annette McHill.

She read the name in her mind. She furrowed her eyebrows and gasped a little.

"Laurissa Annette McHill." She uttered the name out loud. "Where have I heard of this name before?" She spoke as she tried to reminisce the name.

"My mother's name." She spoke and grabbed to read the rest of the title.

"The Day Laurissa Annette McHill died. Written by Aesira McHill."

"Aesira what secrets are you burying?"


"She's locked up in the castle dungeons. She's Laurissa and Dexy's only daughter."

"So The Queen was having an affair." The woman on the left spoke and the woman who held a lamp in her hand turned to face her.

"Indeed yes." She responded.

"Why did The King throw her in the dungeon instead of banishing her like the rest of us?" The woman on the right questioned her.
For a moment there was silence and only the sound of their silk shoes rubbing against the dusty particles filled the air.

"Because The King finds satisfaction in torturing her," the woman on the left spoke.

"But-," the woman was cut off before she could complete her sentence.

"Her veins flows the blood of an occultist, Annalisa." The woman spoke.


[Alethea's POV]

"The Day Laurissa Annette McHill died."

"As far as I have made multiple researchs. I have come to the conclusion that the murderer of Laurissa still roams freely within the castle grounds."

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