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•Chapter 2•
A gray thick blanket spread across the sky hidding the red ball of fire away from the townsfolk. Chains of strong winds blew from various directions and trees bent along with the direction it blew-dust particles often formed weak whirling tornadoes here and there. Not an ounce of an animal could be heard neither the chirping birds nor the woodpeckers were against the bark of a tree hammering the bark like a hammer.
Silence spread and it spoke louder than words at this time it was as if a cemetery. The chit-chatting of the three chubby ladies roaring with roars of laughter in their usual coffee shop was nowhere to be heard.

Instead the folks sat inside their homes quivering and shivering from the chill wind that blew-neither the hot flames of the fire provided warmth to them nor the thick blankets they used to cover their bodies. Instead they pulled them much tighter.

At the very far end away from the townsfolk people down a wide brown,rocky road was a gigantic building built of bricks painted in light brown painting with a small cottage that was a kilometers or two away from the castle. The huge building rested at the top of the mountain with a few scattered trees resting here and there.

At the far bottom, down below was a very dark colour that spread across until it stretches to the very far ends of the town becoming narrower and narrower- flowing more smoothly and less vigorously and one could now tell the crystal clear blue colour of it. All various ships and boats used it for all sorts of purposes. Once a month a prison guarded ship often transfer prisoners to a small island far south east of the castle. Thousands and thousands of guards occupied every inch and corner of the prison. Always alert and ready to fight a criminal that has escaped.

The prisoners had deep cuts on their skins along with multiple marks, they had become a darker shade of their skin tone, thin like tooth picks and their wobbly legs could barely support their body because they barely had enough to consume. Their once smooth thick appealing hair- had become drier than The Sahara Desert and it had become very thin and frail. Those with a chocolate or a brown tone with curly hair had become less curly and more kinky.

The guards often spat and laughed at the prisoners. At times they would grab their food and throw it onto the dusty, soiled ground and they would command them to consume it.
The prisoners would get on their knees and bend down to eat their food like a pig. The guards would often stare at them with a look of disgust, they found it amusing to them.

"I'm tired of this. Does The King know about this treatment?" A dark toned prisoner with dark circles under his eyes spoke. He had become thinner and thinner over a week and looked as if he would collapse anytime soon.
"Name's Rony. I'm new here. I came last week." He was strong physically and bulky. He had a dragon tattoo on his neck and his hair was shaved off by the guards who always took turns to chuckle at him.
"Darsson. Any plan to escape this?"
"No plan at all. I know for sure that we need another team member." They both spoke in low tones.
"Actually it's almost the end of the month. There will be an exchange of guards. They do this once after every three months. Maybe if we figure out a real plan we might escape." A petite figured woman spoke. Her hair was still dark and shiny. The two men looked at each other for a moment and nodded at each other.

"It's okay I'm on the same boat as you. I have two more friends and they are quiet skilled." She spoke with a smirking on her.
"Alright then. I hope it works."
"HEY! MOVE IT YOU PEASANTS!" A guard yelled. Lunch break for the prisoners was over for them and the guards quickly chained. The prisoners and ready to send them to their cells. The small metallic cells, with a small bed and a few thin blankets which were not able to keep them from shivering and preventing goosebumps from forming on their skins.

"I can't wait to see my family. It has been so long." A guard spoke as he stretched his arms out.
"Me too. I have to take the boys too the farms after a week or two. Can't laze around for three months."
"I wanna relax and sip on booze all day."
"Works for me."


After hours a few folks strolled down the streets and the silence was replaced with the giggling and chuckling of little children chasing each other. The old folks could now sat themselves out on the porch rocking themselves in the wooden rocking chairs as they had a cigarette in their and a newspaper in their hands. A hobby they liked and usually did in their free time. Yells could be heard as the neighbors across the streets exchanged their usual greetings.

At the far end beyond the castle deep in the ever green gigantic trees and at the tallest mountain was a man in a crouching posture. He observed each and every movement of the towns' people through his metallic magnifying stereoscopic object that gave a clear view to distant objects and towns people and their every movement.

"Havoc will be among these spoiled peasants in a day or two." He spoke." When the cat is away..."
"The mouse plays." Another man completed his statement for him and they both chuckled in their throats.

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