9: No Rest for the Wicked

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Being at sea for eight days now is not as exciting for Caboose as she hoped. It's ridiculous that she was as affected by seasickness as she was. She forced herself to stay on deck for the first few days and keep moving, hoping to overcome her seasickness. Unfortunately, the brunette was horrible at managing her pain and discomfort, so she threw in the towel like a little bitch. It's not that bad though, especially since this is the most time to herself and rest she's gotten since she was thirteen. Ana stays with Caboose for most of the time, the two of them usually having something to gossip about or they'll enjoy each other's company in silence. Sometimes it gets too quiet for her liking, but recently, luckily, she found a fix for that.

Nao ignores the stink-eye Ana gives him as she leaves the room due to his arrival. He doesn't care that his presence causes a disturbance to the mermaids' happiness; he isn't here for her anyway. Ana closes the door behind herself, leaving Nao and Caboose alone in the room. Caboose kept her word and spoke to the General about her attitude towards Nao since starting the trip. While her disdain towards him is validated, the Princess still wants to see him regardless. So as long as Nao was to visit, she wanted to leave the room to get away from him.

Speaking of the Princess, since she stays in her room all the time, she doesn't have to worry about dressing appropriately or doing her hair. Her short hair is brushed, but that's about all. Her silk, slip-dress sleepwear is white, leaving her arms and chest exposed. If it weren't for the fact that the only people who would see her in this were himself, Ana, and Local, he'd be concerned with covering her up.

The brown-eyed woman beams at the two plates in his hands, "What's for lunch today, Pink Boy?"

"Pink boy? That's a new one," Said Pink Boy muses, setting the plates on the nightstand, "Nothing too crazy. It's just pasta and garlic bread."

"Oh, fuck yeah! Local makes the best fucking pasta, my guy!"

The Advisor furrows his brows together as he retrieves the bed tray table on the other side of the room. "Have you been reading a new book?"

"Woah, yeah! How did you know?"

"You're beginning to use new terms. It wasn't a hard guess."

Caboose takes the bread from one of the plates (they're both identical, so it didn't matter which would be hers), tearing off a piece to eat. "It's a good book! It's about this guy who-"

"-Ah, ah, ah. No spoilers." Nao interrupts, walking back to the bed tray table, "What if I decide to give it a read?"

She squints at him as he sets the table on her lap, "You don't like the books I like, especially if they're fiction."

"God forbid I want to try something new."

"Oh, the humanity," Caboose rolls her eyes with a grin, taking one of the plates from the nightstand, "Sit with me, Kazuki. This table will be big enough for your plate, too."

"Of course, Lady Caboose."

The Princess waits for the other to get settled and comfortable, barely holding back the urge to eat more bread. You could leave a trail of bread leading straight to a very obvious trap, and Caboose will fall into it just for the bread. Well, no. Obviously not, but you get the idea. Nao seems to rush as he notices her impatience, sitting on her bed where her legs would usually be spread out. Lucky for him, she had the forethought to cross her legs under the table.

"Oh, you know what would make this even better?" Caboose says with a smile, handing a fork to her companion, "Some Par-may-shee-an cheese."

"..." Nao narrows his eyes, "Huh?"

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