Chapter 4

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"Y'know... It's kinda hard being popular. Staying relevant, not doing shit that'll make me less popular/liked, and even maintaining a certain image." I say, putting on my lip gloss.

"I get that," Mei says. I look over and see her sprawled out on my bed, playing Minecraft on my PlayStation.

"I dunno, I just feel so stupid. Anyways, you said you were gonna tell me what went down at that party, right?"

"Oh, yeah!! So I have a boyfriend now." She says. 

"Is it Issac?" I ask.

"I mean, I wouldn't just get with someone random if I have a crush on Issac." She says, grinning.

 "So... you and Issac are dating?" I ask.

"YEAH!!" She says, squealing as she bounces up and down on my bed. "But how did the party go for you?" She asks.

I feel my face getting warm, remembering the night. Who was that guy??? "Well, I made out with someone," I say, and she opens her mouth to talk. "And before you ask, no it wasn't Jace."

"Oh, shit!! Was it any of your other sneaky links?" She asks. 

"No," I say. "To be honest? I have no idea who it was." 

"Wait, so you just made out with a complete stranger??" She asks me, her jaw dropping and her eyes going wide. 

"Yes?" I say hesitantly. "Yes. I did. But... I feel like I know him from somewhere. I just don't know where."


"Can I come over?" Jace asks over the phone a few minutes after midnight. 

"Uh.... Can we actually talk about something? I know this is a no-strings-attached kind of thing, so I'll hope and assume you won't be upset by what I gotta say." I say.

"Shoot. I'll listen. I always do." He says, and I sigh.

"So I made out with someone at the Halloween party." 

He chuckles. "I know," He says. "You were full-fledged frenching right next to the couch I was sitting on."

"Are you mad?" I ask.

"I mean, sure I have feelings for you... but I know you don't want anything more so I didn't allow myself to get attached to you anyways. Who was that guy, though?"

"That's the thing... I don't even know." I say. 

"So you just made out with a complete stranger?"  He asks. 

"Okay, why the hell does everyone keep saying that?" I ask.

"Because that's crazy!! Bro, how the hell are you gonna just make out with a complete stranger? Do you even know what he looks like??" He asks, laughing.

"No. It was dark." I say. 

"Well... as your friend, I'll help you figure out who he is. But if you're not coming over... I think I'll go to sleep." He says. 

"Alright good night, dude," I say. "Sleep well." 

"Good night." He says before hanging up. 


"Can you believe that there's already another party going on tonight?" Mei says as we push our trays across the counter in the cafeteria. 

"The real question is... are we going?" I ask.

"HELL, YEAH!! WHO DO YOU THINK I AM??? A PRUDE?!?!?! I'M TRYNA GET TURNT UP!!" She says, laughing. 

"Okay, then. So, whatcha wearing?" I ask. 

"I dunno yet. How about you?" She asks absentmindedly, eye-fucking Issac who's across the room. 

"I'm wearing the red dress I got from Fashion Nova. Y'know, the strapless one?" I say, and her gaze is instantly broken, her mouth falling open.

"No way... you're actually gonna wear that?" She says, clearly shocked. 

"I mean, why not? I've got no man, so nobody can stop me." I say, shrugging. 

She nods before going to sit with Issac. 


"Goddamn, you look so fine right now," Someone says behind me. 

"Oh, god... it's you again." I say, trying to make my voice sound distasteful despite the electric-like shock that just shot from my throat to my... y'know... 

"Whaddya mean 'it's you again'? Did you not enjoy last time?" He asks.

"I did... just never thought I'd see you again. Y'know, you gave me like 50 hickeys."

"Every time I talk to you, you remind me of this bitch in my class who doesn't like me for some reason."

"What's not to like about you?" I say, grinning in the dark room. Once again, I cannot see this niggas face. But somehow? I can tell he's grinning back. "I'm not like that girl, so don't bring her up when I'm around, okay?" I say.

"You got it, Ma," He says, before wrapping his hand around my neck and pulling me to him, our lips colliding once again. My hands make their way up to his hair and I feel that it's curly, grinning against his lips before moving my hands to his shoulders. He moves his hands to my hair, and lightly tugs on it, causing me to gasp which makes my mouth open. He plunges his tongue inside and I whimper. 

Fuck, this dude. I pull him by his belt into the nearest room, closing the door and locking it. "I need you... right now." I say, breathless. 

"I can't even see you, Ma." He says playfully. But, unless he's gonna do the playing, he can shut the fuck up and make something happen.

"If we don't know what the other looks like, it's gonna be very difficult for either of us to catch feelings. So, let's keep this as non-romantic as possible." I say, and he chuckles before his hands find their way to my waist, pulling me closer to him. 

"Alright, Ma. Whatever you want." He says, and I fall to my knees right in front of him, his hands going to my hair.

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