Chapter 7

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party guy: yeah no, i completely agree with you regarding the whole 'i think we should stop this' thing. i like someone else, too.

ma: oh? what's her name? 

party guy: oh, you know leilani? 

ma: yes...?

party guy: i think i like her. like, for real. 

ma: i think i oughta tell you something then... 

party guy: what?

ma: i'm leilani. 

party guy: no way. so you were already mine. 

ma: wdym? 

party guy: it's me, nathan. i'm 'alex'. 


He facetimes me and indeed it is Nathan. So... I'd already been with Nathan before and my opp also turned out to be my mystery man. 

"So... this whole time we've been attracted to each other. Why'd you lie about your name?" Nathan says.

"Because I genuinely didn't want you to fall for me." 

"It's a little too late for that." He says. It's quiet for a few moments.

"Well, why did you lie about your name?" I say, breaking the silence.

"Because I had a feeling you lied about yours." 

"Hmm. Well, at least we now know the truth. I'm glad we cl--"



"Do you want to be my actual girl? Like, not just a hookup?" He says, biting his nails. 

"I do. I actually do. But, I don't wanna have a public relationship." I say.

"Well, then we can have a private relationship." 

"Okay, then," I say. "But I've never had a boyfriend before, so if I fuck it up..."

"I'll teach you, don't worry." He says, and I smile. 


"Dumbass, you're in my seat." Nathan says the next day. I look up and him and roll my eyes.

"My bad. Didn't notice."

"Fucks your issue?" He asks.

"What do you ask for? You wanna fuck next?" I ask, snorting. 

Some random dude on the football team yells. "HEY, IF YOU WON'T FUCK HER, I WILL! BUT Y'ALL SEEM LIKE YOU WANT EACH OTHER ANYWAYS, SO NEVER MIND!!" 

We both turn and face him, saying "Shut the fuck up!" at the same time. I try to prevent myself from grinning. 

Then I text him, "fuck the down low shit. i wanna kiss you too much right now." 

He looks at me and nods. Then, he walks over to my desk and leans down, pecking my lips. 

I look up at him with pleading eyes. He sighs and then kisses me again, this time his tongue sliding into my mouth, me whimpering. "Fuck." I whisper. 

He pulls back, and then texts me "you feel better now?"

I smile at my phone and text back "extremely." 

He smirks and then pulls out his notebook, class starting. 


"So you think you can just tease me like that?" He asks, sitting on my bed. 

"Yeah, I do." 

"You ever try edging before?" He asks, smirking. 

"What the hell is edging?" 

"Hah...." He says, before lowering himself between my legs. 

He then begins to eat me, my back arching at the warmth of his mouth. "Fuck, Ma... You taste so good." He says, licking me up as I squirm, grabbing the sheets. 

"Ohhh, my god... don't stop. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna c--"

He pulls back and watches as I realize what he just did. 

"Nigga did you just stop?? I was literally almost there! What the hell is wrong with you??" 

"Edging is when you delay a climax. You like it?"

"HELL NO!!" 

He plunges his fingers back into my cunt and with two thrusts, I'm creaming all over him, a moaning mess. 

"Holy shit, you're a slut." 

"Your slut." I say, biting my lip.

He rolls his eyes and makes his way back up. "Taste yourself," he says and then he kisses me. 

"Don't ever do that shit to me again." 


I smile as my glasses fog up from the oven. I'm so excited for Thanksgiving, and I'm going over to Nathan's house to meet his family. It's not ideal for me to be at a home with white people during Thanksgiving, BECAUSE I DON'T WANNA TASTE NO UNSEASONED FOOD. But I wanna meet his family. 

"Alright, Mom. I'm going to my boyfriend's house now."

"Alright, baby. Be safe."

"Of course I will."

I go in my room and grab my purse before walking to Nathan's house. I stand outside of the front door, nervous. I take a deep breath and knock.

The door swings open, a very beautiful blonde woman greeting me with a hug. "Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you!! You must be Leilani!!"

"I am she. It's nice to meet you, too. Are you Nathan's mom?"

"Yes, but you can call me Mrs. Graham."

I nod and then I see a muscular man with long silky brown hair walk up behind her before saying, "Hello, you must be Leilani!! I'm Mr. Graham, Nathan's father. Come in!!" 

I smile sweetly and walk into the house, the smell of pumpkin pie and fried chicken hitting my nostrils, my mouth watering. They are white, right? "Babe, you're here!!" I hear Nathan say.

"I mean, I didn't wanna come at first because I was sure you would have the most bland food ever. But it smells so GOOD!!" I say, snorting.

"My parents treated you okay, right?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing. 

"Yeah, I hope they like me."

"You're the first girl I've introduced to them, so I doubt they won't," He then takes my hand. "Let's do this." 

My LoverOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara