Scene 1 | When The Curtain Falls

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"In my capacity as Chief of Justice, I shall now render judgement on Furina's misinterpretation of herself as the Archon of Fontaine."

She looked at him with tears on her eyes as she shook her head desperately not wanting him to continue. But she knew that the Chief of Justice was impartial. He would not look at her as he said his verdict throughout the audience she once controlled in the palm of her hands.

Furina gulped the lump in her throat as she forced herself to hear his authoritative voice echoing throughout the Opera Epiclese. It sliced her heart with a cold tone of betrayal. In return, her heart quivered, her legs were shaking and her nails were buried in her palm. It all felt too suffocating for her as tears continued to caress her cheeks.

Please no, I'm your 'archon'...! You can't...

"As a human who knowingly deceived her fellow citizens Furina is--"

Please don't-- I beg of you...!

There was a slight pause from the Chief of Justice announcement, and within those words Furina felt something cracked and the colors around her had become dull. The sounds of comprehension could be heard from the silence that resonated throughout the court room.


Something shattered.

The word she feared the most had finally gotten out. The world colored her reality and then there came within seconds of sharp intake of breaths and murmurs of shocked yet excited crowds that echoed around the Opera Epiclese.

Once upon a time Furina herself was one amongst the audience who laughed and mocked the criminals beneath her feet. All to create an extravagant trial to each and single one who could possibly show to her the one she was looking for. And now she herself was in said stage. The once 'Archon' of Fontaine, was now an entertainment along the lines of danger behind the secrets she kept well hidden, stripped of her own title and her true self lay bare open to the audiences.

Furina felt the cold sensation to the core as her lips trembled, eyes wide in disbelief and tears fell like waterfall downwards to the velvet carpet.

She could feel all hope was lost, the Chief of Justice was looking away from her as if he was too pained and guilty to even meet her eyes as he continued to say the verdict-- one that was for her. The Traveler and Paimon was standing at the opposite of the platform and stared at her with sad frowns, while her people in the audience seat was gazing at her with different emotions in their eyes.

Betrayal. Pity. Disappointment. Angry. Sorrow. Disbelief. And many more that she didn't want to interpret.

But no-- that was not what she feared the most, no matter how much their gazes scratched the surface of her resolve there was something far, far worse. The one thing she had feared to happen had come into reality.

The prophecy... one she had fought through the act of a fake deity, the one where fate wedged itself on it and it will proceed to the next stage, where people will be drowned without mercy.

She had failed her mirror-self and all the people will be washed away by the waters... all because she couldn't reach the standards that the Fontainians wanted of a deity to the point they had doubted her to the last minute. All because she failed to save the people making them see how truly incompetent she was and revealing her true, human, shameful self.

Her legs weakened and she fell pathetically to her throne. Her head hang down as if admitting her dark sin. She could do nothing but wept and apologize over and over, not even caring the slightest to what will happen anymore.

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