Scene 3 | Wherever My Feelings Lead Me

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Behind the scene a figure sat in a red luxurious cushion amidst the sea of stars beneath her. Long black hair swished upon her waist as blue eyes with specs of starlight stared curiously looking down at the tea swirling unto her golden cup with a cock of her head to the side.

Her perfectly crafted eyebrows rose up when the peaceful sanctuary started to shake and the cosmos stopped moving. Comets and shooting stars froze and the twinkling sound that reverberated around halted.

Echoes of a crying voice replaced the twinkling sound as it turned into a melancholic melody.

Her face crunched into annoyance. Her hold to her tea tightened before deciding to slam down the cup creating a rippling effect. Silence. Then everything flowed naturally again.

The only difference was the cries that remained.

Her eyes twitched. Before she sighed and stood up. Her gown moved fluidly, gold designing the top of her chest downwards that stopped to her knees. Before blood flowed from the golden gown and seeped into the sea of stars.

It was as if the sanctuary felt her movements as it created a ripple underneath her when she took one step and her bare foot left a trail of blood. Another step. And the last.

She looked upwards into the dark abyss. Her lips curling upward into a smirk before she bowed her head and bent her body to no one in particular. Her starlight irises glowed and a golden shooting star move past below her feet in a silent promise.

"Let the show begin."


The moment she left Fontaine, she was already expecting the sight of a massive tree she had seen from afar when she stepped in the desert of Sumeru. However, she didn't know it was exactly this big. Her mouth twitched and stopped her jaw from dropping in amazement as she saw plants of different varieties she hadn't seen before bloom around the tree.

It was definitely the land of Dendro no doubt. No words could describe the beauty it had even if it was in the middle of the hot desert. Stepping inside the oasis's territory, it was as if the humid of the desert was no more and she felt completely rejuvenated.

She looked around before sitting down on the set of plants? Leaves? Or were these flowers?Whatever those are, she removed her hood and breathed in. Without realizing she had sat on the plants and stared mesmerized at the massive green branched above her head.

And so the memories flashed.

A golden haired woman and her flying companion glided above the branch as they were accompanied by a red looking plant fairy. Soaring and teleporting upwards to deal with the purple disaster waiting above. If it was not for the dead Goddess that was defending against that, then there would have been another catastrophe.

The whole area was purified. New plants came and bloomed. The once trunk grew and it became a tree looming and guarding the whole oasis. The water surged forth and the flower fairies glimmered, rejoicing and singing their victory through melodies of--

The vision ended abruptly and Furina was laying across the sea of plants, gasping and holding to her chest that was burning feverishly and thumping like drums hitting her again and again. The world was spinning continuously and she felt like a drunk man on a hot sunny day.

She heaved, her legs shaking as she get to her knees. There was sudden movements in the bushes at the corner of her eyes and her pale hand shot up to cover her face with the hood. But it was only a desert fox that hopped away.

Curses. She thought as she looked away, holding her aching head with trembling hands. She had forgotten that she wasn't in Fontaine anymore, and she was alone in a desolate desert where she could easily be taken out. The laws of the court won't be able to protect her here as she heard many rumors from her connections how brutal the desert dwellers are and that slaughter are considered as normality in Sumeru.

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