Chapter 2

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" Almost there,"

Luna carefully maneuvered each step, her voice calm as she tried to steady Brittany, who lay unconscious on her back.

The weight of her friend was burdensome, but Luna knew she had to get them both to safety. Brittany had fallen asleep on the stairs leading to their apartment, leaving Luna with no choice but to carry her.

"Finally," Luna sighed in relief as both she and Brittany collapsed onto the bed, uncaring of whose it was.

Luna simply needed to escape the strain of supporting Brittany's limp body.

She couldn't help but think about how the diet they had been on was supposed to make things easier.

Luna brushed aside strands of Brittany's hair that had found their way into her mouth, strands that Brittany had been absentmindedly chewing on.

Luna wondered how Brittany managed to breathe while wearing her tight, red, sparkling dress with a slight flare at the bottom. Fortunately, the dress had a front zip, which inadvertently exposed Brittany's cleavage.

Luna decided on freeing her friend from the constricting garment. The heels came off, and Brittany was left in her bra and underwear.

Luna didn't mind leaving her like that since Brittany had a habit of waking up naked.

Feeling a sense of relief and relaxation wash over her, Luna retreated to her own room.

She tossed her heels to the side and hastily removed her own dress, the noise of passing cars from outside reminding her how close her room was to the outside world.

With a casual disregard for bathing, Luna slipped into a comfortable top and shorts. A craving gnawed at her, so she made her way to the fridge.

Her absence due to college research meant the fridge was sparsely stocked. Luna settled for the remnants of a chocolate ice cream container, savoring the sweet taste.

Returning to the living room, Luna grabbed some paperwork she had left behind. The silence in the house made her uncomfortable, and she longed to hear Brittany's voice singing along to Harry Styles songs right now which calmed her.

There was something about the silence that unnerved her, a fear deep within that she refused to confront. She would do anything to avoid reliving that night, a night she had purposefully buried in the recesses of her mind.

The mere thought of it caused her skin to crawl, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

Trembling hands propelled Luna towards her desk, where she kept her pills.

The silence always triggered her anxiety, causing her to reach for the small tablets that provided momentary relief. Swallowing one, she hoped it would calm her nerves.

Returning to her seat, Luna flicked on the television, seeking solace in its artificial glow. The sound of a crime drama filled the room, its scripted chaos a stark contrast to the real-life horrors she was investigating.

She delved back into her main work—the investigation into the brutal murders plaguing Easton town.

She had managed to steal the case files from the police office, risking the wrath of David Steel, Brittany's father, who served as the town's sheriff.

He had warned Luna to stay away from the crime scenes, but the murders had encroached upon her college, leaving her with an insatiable urge to uncover the truth.

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