Chapter 4

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As Luna stood before Sirius, a whirlwind of emotions swept through her like a tidal wave. Fear was the initial response, as the sight of him up close stirred a sense of unease within her.

The shock followed closely, as the reality of his presence sank in.

Yet, amidst these overwhelming feelings, there was something else, something unexpected and forbidden that lingered in her mind—a desire.

With the absence of dim lighting and loud music, Luna's attention was solely focused on Sirius. Her eyes roamed his body, taking in every detail. His pale skin, which she instinctively knew was not ordinary, seemed to beckon her. His eyes, always taunting her from the moment she first saw them, held a magnetic pull.

They drew her in, enticing her to explore the depths of his being.

His pitch-dark, slightly curly hair cascaded down to his shoulders, lending him an otherworldly appearance. Luna couldn't help but wonder how soft it would feel to run her fingers through those locks. The way he wore his hair, leaving strands loose, only added to his enigmatic allure.

And then, there was his body. Luna's twisted mind couldn't deny the curiosity that swelled within her.

She longed to know how it would feel to be held by him, to experience the touch of his skin against hers. It was a craving that defied logic and reason, a forbidden desire that danced on the edge of her consciousness.

Him in a loose, flowing fashion. He was a man who carried power with him, yet he also had a sensual and sexy appeal. His muscles were toned and impressive, his frame dominant and commanding.

He looked like a man who knew what he wanted and how to get it, and Luna couldn't help but feel drawn to it.

Luna's mind swirled with a torrent of thoughts as Sirius broke through her racing thoughts with his words.

She felt the chill of his touch as he handed her a glass cup, her eyes widening in surprise as she hadn't even realized he was holding it.

"Coffee?" he smirked, striding back towards the kitchen.

" Let's talk now," Luna whispered urgently to Brittany, immediately pulling her into her room. Brittany looked at Luna with concern, her gaze searching for answers.

"What's wrong?" Brittany asked, her worry evident in her voice.

Luna's heart pounded in her chest as she blurted out her question, desperate for confirmation. "Brit, where did we go last night?"

She tried to keep a semblance of sanity, her eyes fixed on Brittany, waiting for her response, her own anxiety mounting with each passing second.

"We went clubbing last night, don't you remember?" Brittany replied slowly, raising an eyebrow. "You said you wanted to take me out, and we went to this crazy club. It was intense, and you ran into your guy again." Brittany wiggled her eyebrow suggestively.

" So... We didn't go to the mortuary," Luna insisted, her voice filled with urgency.

This couldn't be happening. She couldn't be going crazy.

She knew what she had seen and felt—the lifeless bodies, the severed necks of the girls, and worst of all, Isaiah's claws ripping through her stomach, the pain and the sight of her own blood pooling on the ground.

Confusion clouded Brittany's face as she asked, "What are you talking about?"

Luna froze. She doesn't remember.

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