Chapter 8

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"I'm still on campus," Luna replied weakly, her body slumped on the ground, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion. She struggled to keep her eyes open, forcing herself to stay alert. Shifting her position, she sought solace against the coolness of a nearby wall, hoping to find some semblance of comfort.

"I know, but where exactly?" Sirius asked, his hands focused on the driving.

Luna's parched lips moved as she surveyed her surroundings. Lockers lined the room, adorned with the college logo, while discarded shirts lay scattered on the floor. The scent of male sweat mingled with the atmosphere, and sports equipment dangled from hooks, casting elongated shadows.

"I... I think I'm in the sports faculty of the school," she exclaimed, her voice quivering with a mix of fear and desperation. Sirius, for the first time in ages, felt a surge of genuine concern for a human, an instant wave of pity washing over him.

"Sirius, I don't think..."

"Don't say anything, Luna. I'm coming," he interrupted, not allowing her to finish her thought. Her words evoked a sudden memory, one he hadn't anticipated resurfacing after decades.

"Okay," Luna replied, mustering a tight smile before ending the call. The door of the room emitted ominous creaks, signaling the vampire's relentless attempts to confirm her demise.

"I smell death, human. You don't have much time left. Don't worry, your body will be easy to find, trust me," the vampire taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic delight.

"Fuck you!" Luna summoned her remaining strength, screaming at the vampire, causing him to chuckle in response.

Luna glanced at her hand, witnessing the grotesque transformation that had taken place. Dark fluids oozed from her injured hand, an unsettling sight that made her stomach churn.

"Time's up. I'm bored," the vampire mocked, his impatience palpable. He began pounding on the door, his inhuman strength creating dents and fissures in the metal. Luna, now paralyzed by the final stage of the venom, could only watch helplessly.

"Sirius, please," she pleaded silently, hoping he would arrive soon. Her vision blurred, her skin turning ashen, and her once-gray eyes now darkened, a sign that her life force was rapidly fading. She heard the door give way, revealing the vampire, his impatience reaching its peak as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

Just as he smirked, poised to attack, he sensed a presence behind him. Attempting to turn, he faltered, his neck ripped from his body, spewing forth black blood.


Sirius called out, rushing to her side with uncanny speed. His hands, still stained with the vampire's life essence, held no importance to him as he cradled her fragile form in his arms.

Luna's body was cold and motionless, her heart beating faintly and her skin marred by dark veins snaking across her pale form. Sirius noticed a brief flicker in her eyes, a hint of life before they closed once again, confirming her fragile state.

"What's happened here?" Sirius turned to find Dante standing there, his gaze shifting from the lifeless vampire to Sirius, who held Luna protectively.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius demanded, his irritation evident at Dante's disregard for his warning to stay away.

"I came to save you. Some humans were about to stumble upon this place, so I created a diversion. You're welcome," Dante replied, his eyes fixated on Luna, prompting Sirius to shield her from his view behind his muscular frame. "Who is she?"

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