Chapter 5

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Luna walked out from her room, dressed in a dark blue top and black jeans, her mind racing with thoughts of how to handle the situation with Sirius.

Should she call the police? She scoffed at the idea, realizing it would sound more like a drug-induced hallucination than a genuine cry for help.

"Are you hungry?" Sirius called out, pushing a plate of eggs with bacon towards her. He remained seated, aware of the fear that emanated from Luna's every movement. For once, he disliked being feared, at least by her.

She nodded, cautiously making her way to the table. She tried to steady her racing heart as Sirius' gaze remained fixed on her, unyielding. Luna took a deep breath, attempting to regain her composure, before sitting in a chair far from him.

Her eyes fell to the food before her, the aroma tantalizing her senses.

She reached for the fork that mysteriously appeared next to her, half expecting Sirius to have placed it there with his supernatural speed.

"I didn't poison it, you know," he smirked, resting his hand on his chin, thoroughly intrigued by the way she scrutinized the food.

Luna's presence fascinated him, and he couldn't resist teasing her from time to time.

"I know," Luna uttered, surprising him.

"Really?" he raised an eyebrow, leaning forward. Luna momentarily lost herself in his intense gaze before shifting her eyes to the television behind him.

"Why would you poison me now, when I was at your mercy a few hours ago? It doesn't make sense," she found the courage to stare at him again. "Now, does it, Sirius?"

His eyes seemed to glow as her voice whispered his name.

The fact that he could still detect her fear, yet she spoke his name with such familiarity, pleasured him in more ways than he should.

He leaned back, relaxing in his chair. "I suppose, so eat then," he said, folding his arms and crossing his legs.

He knew she was feeling weak since she hadn't eaten and had endured hearing shocking revelations—but she remained tough. He sensed she was a strong woman.

More reasons to fancy her.

Luna took a bite from the plate of food, savoring it slowly. "Thank you," she murmured, surprising herself with the sudden words of gratitude.

She took another bite before realizing Sirius' response. "You already said that," he reminded her, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Luna shook her head. "No, I mean thank you for the food," she whispered, feeling a sudden shyness wash over her.

Sirius stared at her, unsure of how to react to her gratitude. He wasn't accustomed to helping people; his nature led to spilled blood rather than acts of kindness.

But hearing her thank him stirred something unfamiliar inside him.

"I'll help you."

"What?" Luna was taken aback by his unexpected offer.

He shifted his phone towards her. "That," he said.

Luna took his phone and read the news about another girl found dead near her college.

Fear gripped her as she tried to voice her thoughts. "Why? I mean..."

She gulped, lowering her head, afraid of the consequences of her words. "It's your kind that's killing the girls," she quickly handed his phone back, biting her lip in apprehension.

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