Chapter 7

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It was quiet.

The college was eerily quiet, far more subdued than its usual bustling self. The air hung heavy with tension, a result of the chilling reality that students had stopped attending classes due to the disturbing sight of lifeless bodies that greeted them each day.

Luna's grip tightened on her bag as she breathed in and out, surveying the few remaining students. Fear and apprehension were etched on their faces, a reflection of the unknown horrors that lurked in their minds.

She knew all too well what that unknown was.

"Search for clues, Luna," she muttered to herself, making her way toward the auditorium. It was the closest thing to a gathering she could find on campus. Luna paused, observing the people huddled in the auditorium. Most kept to themselves, keeping a safe distance from others. Her attention was drawn to a group at the back—two girls and three guys whispering among themselves, casting wary glances around to ensure no one was eavesdropping.

She silently approached the group and pretended to be engrossed in a textbook, sitting in front of them. She tucked a few strands of hair behind her ears and tried to listen in on the conversation of a particular girl.

"....Yes, I know I shouldn't feel this guilty, but it feels like it was my fault, you know," the girl murmured, her voice trembling slightly, piquing Luna's curiosity.

A male voice scoffed in response to the girl's words. "Oh, please, Ella. You did nothing wrong. You couldn't have done anything. If they wanted to go to that damn party, nothing would have stopped them," he said, revealing the girl's name to be Ella.

"I could have tried, couldn't I?" Ella protested.

"Now look where it led them. Their bodies are being displayed on the news, and their parents can't even give them a proper funeral since the police have seized their bodies."

A party?

This new piece of information fueled Luna's restlessness. It was something she needed, beyond just pilfering empty files from the sheriff's office.

She needed more information.

"What party?" Luna interrupted the group, surprising them with her intrusion. They looked taken aback that she had overheard their conversation.

"Don't worry," Luna assured them, sensing their fear and apprehension. "I just want to help, and you guys could help me. Just tell me which party."

The guys hesitated, while Ella struggled with whether or not to trust Luna. But the guilt coursed through her veins, and she blurted out, "My friend, Courtney, was invited to this elite party."

Luna turned her head towards Ella, offering a brief smile and nod, encouraging her to continue. "It seemed strange to me because I've lived in this town for a long time and never heard of such a club. They sent her an invitation card that just felt creepy. It was all wrong, you know?"

"Do you still have the card?" Luna inquired, making Ella slowly nod her head. She glanced at her friends before looking back at Luna.

"Did you see the name of the club? I mean, on the card," Luna's heart raced, a mix of anticipation and anxiety. She was getting closer to unraveling the enigmatic mystery, inch by inch.

Or so she thought.

Ella nodded, her lips parting to reveal the location, but suddenly, multiple footsteps echoed outside the auditorium. "You guys, there's been an accident outside the school!" a girl dressed in an orange sweater and blue jeans exclaimed, catching her breath before running back with the crowd.

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