From Foes to Flames-part 1

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Chapter 1

I rushed through the crowded hallways on my way to my locker before class started. I looked up just before I got to my locker to see Matao. The one person I didn't want to see today, why does he always show up at the worst times?

"What do you want now" I asked harshly.

"My phone" he replied, "stupid of me to trust you with it for five minutes."

"It was" I giggled as I spun on my heel and walked away.

I felt a hash grip take hold of my arm before I could get far "Give it to me. Now."

"Let go" I demanded ready to stomp on his phone.

"Not until I get my phone back." His grip on my arm tightened.

"Why? What are you hiding?" I asked sarcastically "Let go before I smash it."

"I have a lot more to hide than you think darling" he proclaimed once again tightening his grip.

"LET GO" I yelled as tears formed in my eyes.

He pulled his arm away quickly "I'm sorry, are you ok?" he asked.

"I'm fine just take your stupid phone and leave" I muttered as I handed him the phone.

"Adeline, wait" he called out as I grabbed my books and rushed to class.

Although he did hurt my arm, I wasn't upset about that, it was the memories that it brought back. He knew little of my childhood, I don't blame him because it's not the thing you tell someone you hate.

I sat down towards the middle of the classroom when I arrived. I listened to the class chatter as we waited for the teacher to arrive. I know that I haven't been at this school for very long, but I felt so upset listening to everyone talk with their friends, I wish I had someone like that to talk to. Although I was new here me and Matao have known each other for forever. English was a drag, but I wasn't looking forward to going to lunch. Especially after this morning with Matao. He needs to start thinking straight. But am probably going to end up eating lunch in the bathroom again.

After 40 minutes the bell that I had been loathing finally rang, I waited until the classroom had cleared out before I stepped out into the stampede of people. I headed towards my locker to put away my things before I headed to the cafeteria. Lunch was disgusting as per usual, chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, and a variety of bland vegetables. I headed towards the toilets until I heard my name being called. I spun around only to see... Matao. Of all of the people it had to be him, half the girls in the school are drooling all over him so why can't he just go pick one of them.

"What do you want now?" I sighed.

"I'm sorry about earlier" he stated "did I hurt you? Are you ok?"

"i'm fine just leave it" I demanded.

He paused for a moment before he started to talk again "Ade- "

"Just leave it. Please." I cut him off.

I started walking away but I flinched as soon as I saw his arm come towards me expecting him to hit me. But I paused when I felt his hands wrap around my waist and he pulled me against his chest. My body melted against his and tears rolled down my cheeks as he let out a sigh of victory. He spun me around and tilted my chin up, so I was looking at him with tears still sitting on my face. "I'm so sorry" he consoled me. I burst out into tears again as he stared into my eyes, I couldn't have him looking at me in such a state, so I buried my face into his chest, and he held me tight. He led me to sit and eat lunch with him, but I was so overfilled with emotions, no one had ever cared for me like that. After growing up in an abusive household I never feel loved and cared for. Although we sat in silence, I felt comforted. I left for class after we exchanged a smile as I left the table. The day continued as boring and long as usual. But I felt butterflies every time I passed him in the hallway. I felt loved and I could see the genuine happiness on his face, he never smiled but you could see the different look in his eyes.

From Foes to FlamesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang